Funnyhouse of a Negro


A Black woman awakens in a phantasmagoric rooming house where she is visited by the Duchess of Hapsburg, Queen Victoria, Patrice Lumumba and Jesus Christ. Only she and Lumumba are not dressed in white; she has a white fixation and wants to become whiter and whiter. She harangues against her father who gave her a jungle strain and then sold out to white harlotry, dreams of returning to Africa to save the continent, and hangs herself amid swirling conflicts and desires, a victim of a nightmare world.

The Good

Well, you can never say black people cannot be weird/artsy. I have never felt fore mentioned statement so much after reading a book since it is not that common to see books with black characters that are artsy and weird.

So much commentary on black issues: internalized racism, colorism, worship of whiteness, multiracial issues (I think it talks about the tragic mulatto) and those are the ones off the top of my head. I know that there was so much commentary and references that I missed, one character in the story I realized after the fact was a person from history.

The Bad

Part of the weirdness/artsyness I did not like.

Waiting To Exhale: Comics TBR (TP)

In 2017 my family plans to not go out as much (acquiring books) so that we can save money and finish books I own.


  1. Black Panther

I got this for Christmas so I will be reading this soon.


2. Saga vol. 2

I am so far behind in this series.



I heard it is about machismo thus masculinity and homosexuality.


4. Nighthawk

It starts off already with the main character beating up racists in the first page which was very funny. I need to fully get into this so I can finish it.


5. Cold Space

It is good to find some sci-fi so I can wean myself off of reading so much science fiction novels. I’m always in want of sci-fi and fantasy novels even though I do not like majority of them.


  • Read indie (some artsy)  comics
  • Own books~ read way more
  • Get up to date on series currently reading (making tbr for this soon)
  • Do one post at least a month about comics
  • Read more own voices and diversely