Grimworld Blog Tour: Excerpt

Grimworld banner This is my stop during the blog tour for Grimworld by Avery Moray. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 26 October till 8 November. See the tour schedule here.


They pushed the gate open and, moving from shadow to shadow of the green orbs, approached the front door. Henry quietly tried the handle, but it was locked. Sticking close to the cold, wet exterior, they made their way to the side of the manor. The first floor was lined with windows, their frames flaking black paint. The boys had to stand on their tip-toes to reach the bottom of the windowsills. Whether they were locked or just stuck, the windows wouldn’t budge. Henry tried the last window with little hope, but there was just a hint of give under his palm. He took a deep breath and pushed hard with all his strength, and the window slid with just enough space for the boys to slip through.

“You first,” Lang said.

The taller boy boosted Henry up and through the open window. Henry turned around and grabbed Lang’s arms, pulling him through. They were in a room with a dining table covered by a white tablecloth that rippled from the wind. Henry closed the window and the sudden stillness of the house pressed in on them. They crept into the hallway, leaving a trail of water behind. A few candles flickered light onto suits of armor that lined the edge of the hall. The mansion structure creaked and popped from the wind and cold of the rain.

“What exactly are we looking for?” Henry whispered.

“I don’t know. I think we should go back to his office.”

Henry nodded in agreement and they continued past the rows of armor and up the main staircase. On the third floor, there were even more. “Lang, do you remember seeing these earlier?”

“No. He must have put them up after we left.”

Henry stared into the pitch black helmets, half expecting them to turn and look back.

“Was it here, or straight?” he asked when they came to a fork.

“Straight, I think I remember that portrait.”

The eyes of the paintings watched them sneak by and Henry couldn’t help but look over his shoulder. After several more forks and a bit of backtracking, they arrived at the double doors. Lang opened them a crack and peeked through. “All clear.”

Lang headed to the bookshelves, Henry to Jacoby’s desk. Lightning flashed through the window behind the aquarium, illuminating the lonely Torpedo Shark. Henry searched through folders and drawers with his flashlight and found a list titled To-Do. It read:

-Contact Punge Domestic Agency

-See if Chef Morose is available

-Organize Return Ball

-Bank accounts in order

-Manage assets

-Move everything from basement

-Awaken Ferdinand

-Replenish shark tank

-Tea party?

He flipped through several financial reports and business-type folders until Lang called him over. He held worn, stained sheets of paper.

“What’s that?”

“Grayprints of the mansion, they show all the rooms. I found them folded between some books.”

They studied the intricate drawings – the upper floors, the basement, the office they were in, and finally the first floor. “This is weird.” Lang pointed to a large room at the back of the mansion labeled ‘Conservatory.’ A line was drawn from the conservatory to the page bottom, where another room was labeled ‘Arcanum.’

“It seems like this room is separate from the mansion, but the line might mean there’s a way to get in from the Conservatory.”

Henry’s eyes widened. “A secret room?”

By Avery Moray
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: 1 November 2019





Every day, thirteen year old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book. The Nightspook steals part of Henry’s lifespan with a pocket watch, which begins counting down to his death. Henry is running out of time, and the pocket watch won’t stop ticking…

You can find Grimworld on Goodreads

You can buy Grimworld here:
Barnes & Noble
The Bookdepository

Avery MorayAbout the Author:
Avery Moray is a storyteller who specializes in middle grade and young adult fantasy. She lives in a land with tall mountains and wide plains with her two furry sidekicks and one non-furry accomplice. She likes sweets, cats, Halloween, and loves creating all kind of things, stories being one of them.

You can find and contact Avery Moray here:

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Grimworld. All prizes are US Only. These are the prizes you can win:
– Signed copy of Grimworld
– Signed copy of Grimworld + bookmark, notepad, and pin
– Signed copy of Grimworld + bookmark, notepad, and pin + unreleased chapter art print

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Slay Readalong: Chapters 7-11 🎮

Slay Readalong: Chapter 1&2 🎮

Slay Readalong: Chapters 3-6 🎮


image from goodreads

Chapters 7-11

I just realized that the chapters have titles…been zooming through this novel so quickly.

=Games are violent=

It is something to have an entire discussion about Slay without contacting the creator…*scruncy face* or people who  play video games or people who are even the slightest bit part of the gaming community. They just have whomever weighing in on games.

(also look up video games cause violence memes  do it)

🎮 It sucks but all I hear with Nubian king and queen is hotep/ankh

🎮Is it smart for Kiera to get a lawyer without her parents or sister?

John aka court room guy: His point of view brought in some cuteness and the view point of a parent whose black children game (still play Slay after death of Anubis including  the worry that comes with that). So is the new point of views going to be used in court to show the positivity the game does?

🎮 I feel there is a bit of respectability with John so that made me gag.

🎮 We are seeing a lot of people the game touched and I’m questioning if we need their point of views (have forgotten all their aliases already).

🎮 Actually why are they not tracking the killer…?  We finally learn about the alleged killer, Jeremiah Marshall, he has a expansive rap sheet

Claire aka cicada: is half black, seeing how she is afraid of being thrown away I get it but checklist kitchen sink feeling

🎮 Don’t they have black programs/ after school for rich and famous -response to lawyer

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image from giphy

Steph the overthinker: I’ve been thinking that Steph is possibly the younger sister that is why Kiera treats her a certain way.

🎮 Steph why you set up like you was going to drag Kiera then didn’t

image from

Kiera the player: She never confronts people- I say this every single checkpoint of this readalong but its seriously true. So is Kiera ever going to be apologetic to Steph…? Let me level my expectations if we do not get someone to confront Kiera about something she needs to be confronted about. Honestly, I’m going hard on Kiera but she has a lot going on in her life.

🎮 Why is Kiera being labeled as voice of reason when she barely addresses things?

🎮 Why does Kiera hate the word coon so much?

🎮 Why does she go into a thing about Du Bois…he wrote fiction….one of his stories was a scifi dystiopian short story

Harper the (insert) white girl:  So far Harpers character has been short changed  looking at what we have seen of her there is zero indication they are bffs, they barely talk and never hang out. We are supposed to see not all white people are bad and there are not easy answers for white people when it comes to certain conversations. I just feel a ball was dropped here because the story did not focus on Harper enough or the conversation. I wish she would have cut Harper and saved her for another book.

Wyatt the white male rage: A ball was dropped with him too same as Harper. We could have gotten more into the mind of him so it could’ve been a surprise that it was him who did it. Also, to have a bigger conversation about what the story was trying to say about him and people like him.

🎮 Wyatt did not put the friendship with Harper in jeopardy Harper did. The rift that was in their friendship before when she asked Kiera about dreads and said the same things  as Wyatt about the game. The story wants us to be shocked he’s a bigot but all we have seen of him is bigotry.

Anubis: All of this Anubis was valedictorian getting into the best schools talk feels a bit respectability.

🎮 It feels like his death is on the back burner because there is too much going on.

🎮 Anubis has not gotten a memorial in the game yet.

image from the here

=The Game=

“Targeting” like the usage of this word here because of the connotations it brings like its an epidemic trying to snatch up people.

🎮 We gonna get into copyright law about using the images of famous people like Oprah and Angela Bassett?

🎮 Is saying kings and queens inclusive?

🎮 Her not telling Cicada about the duel with Wyatt is not good.

I feel like Wyatt is going to be the white person against Slay and trolling Kiera

Me: why don’t you mute em -reacting to troll

Do I believe winning against him will solve all of this Slay is racist mess? No.

Do I believe it will solve all of the issues in this book? Probably yes.

I feel like this checklist/kitchen sink thing happening in the story is getting in the way of story deeply handling some issues.

Slay Readalong: Chapters 3-6 🎮

Slay Readalong: Chapter 1&2 🎮

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Chapters 3-4

Claire aka Cicada: I actually like that Slay is multi-point of view.

🎮 There is diaspora commentary included that shows what some black people outside of America perceive as the black experience being like in America. I think that the opposite could be said that there are people who view outside of North America as a black paradise.

🎮 There is acknowledgement that there are different cultural landmarks across diaspora.

🎮 White Americans treat Cicada better than white Parisians so that is shaping her view of American race relations.

(insert here image of Malcolm being horrible controlling boyfriend material)

Malcolm the hotep:  I see them not lasting and think Kiera needs to be more conscious. All of this with Malcolm will get tiring and be a problem later (especially Kiera letting a lot slide without checking him).

🎮 I think in a way Steph and him are the similar coin because they both have a lot in them in terms of thoughts that spill over.

🎮 I don’t like the controlling vibe that he gives off.

Futurama Fry meme


Harper the clueless white girl:  There is a question of if Harper validly cares -if that even matters- it seems like a form of work Kiera has to do to wade through the conversation with Harper.

Image result for devils advocate meme


Wyatt the devils advocate or “accidental” microagressionator: I can not decide yet but I definitely feel he does racist/microaggression stuff to get a rise out of the black people.

🎮 I want the dread conversation to drop so bad just because it is an agenda for Wyatt.

Kiera The player: Everyone else is a NPC who the game controls. Getting the sense that everyone outside of Kiera is wrong so Kiera can be the right one.

🎮 I can see why Kiera wants to just enjoy black culture (seeing Harper, Wyatt, and Malcolm) without having to correct or get into big debates that it feels like she will not win because they come into conversations with agendas.  Nonetheless, it feels like people are just around Kiera not as people but as archetypes/stereotypes for her to judge and say she’s better than.  Seems like the only person she really cool with (for now) is Cicada.

🎮 Checklist: discuss interracial dating

🎮 Does everyone sound more like college students than teenagers?

Chapter 5-6

I think the death of Jamal Rice (rhymes with Tamir Rice) aka Anubis changed a lot of the story so I am going to start anew with everyone instead of adding on.

=In game racism=

Such a good job talking about the frustration of playing video games as a black person  (a lot of what was said by Steph & Kiera is A++)

I did want to fall into floor and be anywhere else when this conversation went down. Ugh, gag having to go through the motions of this argument is tiring it was not fun seeing them have to have a argument that has been done time and time again. Having to defend your humanity as a black person is a lot. And what gets me is at the end it does not matter because they aren’t listening. It feels useless to me because I gain nothing from this discussion. Then again I’m very much at the point of wanting to see intra/in house conversations with blackness.

Wyatt the devils advocate: I told y’all he was garbage and has ulterior motives. I think that Wyatt listening to other white people online opinions and parroting them.

Harper the clueless white girl: Does she have a personality?

Image result for exploding light bulb gif

image from giphy

Steph the overthinker: yeah, that overthinking coming in handy don’t it.  It’s funny Kiera was internally moaning about Steph but is excited for Steph to go in on Wyatt and Harper. Are we gonna get a attack dog conversation?

Kiera The Player: I think that the death of Jamal gave her character a level of vulnerability and opened her internal voice to outside world.

🎮 There should be a list of black young adult characters who can’t dance…Kiera… Jack from Opposite of Always

Jaylen aka Q. Diamond: We are seeing a lot of the negatives with gaming so it is good to introduce the positivity a game like Slay can bring. Also, the story introduces a tranwoman character.

🎮I wonder if we are going to see Jaylen point of view again or if we are going to see more point of views?

Image result for hotep games meme

image from TheBiggestLebowski tumblr

Malcom the hotep:

Malcolm: talking to Kiera “you better not be playing that game!”

Me: or what you gonna fight her or something?

I’ll tell you what the Malcolm and his controlling hotepery is the discussion I’m waiting for  (*popcorn eating*)


🎮 Again, it is fun to react to.

🎮 It’s constantly moving so the pace is good.

🎮 As a Steph there is something constantly to analyze and critique so I don’t have moments of boredom. It’s so much that my head hurts at times trying wrap my head around it.

🎮 We get to see the positives and negatives of gaming.

Slay Readalong: Chapter 1&2 🎮

The last readalong I did was Allegedly  way back in 2017 so it is exciting after all this time to get into Slay.

Chapter 1 & 2

I don’t know if kids today talk about Usher and Fresh Prince? this seems more 80s or 90s or even early 2000 kids.

I feel like a lot of stories (specifically noticing it in ya) want to have certain conversations or push particular message across so they force things. Honestly, I do not like the conversation with the dreadlock because it feels forced.

Image result for hotep games meme

image from TheBiggestLebowski tumblr could not find the original post on twitter

Malcolm the hotep: Honesty circle I already had my mind made to dnf this book based on the dreadlocks conversation because I was not feeling another forced messages book that centers white people.  Then Malcolm who is a hotep came onto the scene giving me something that is not shown in young adult lit like ever.

Are teenage black guys hoteps? When we first met him I felt like he sounded twenty but I don’t know if I feel that assessment still.

🎮 sorority comment= he got sorority connections & money

🎮 he says things like “black goddess” and “worship my queen” it makes me laugh because it sounds so hotepy and cringy

🎮 I would be remiss in not mentioning part of my  motivation in reading this book is to see him being checked eventually

🎮 his parents are super lax = sounds almost neglectful?

🎮 hate to see it= it being delusion Kiera has about Malcolm I can’t even get started

I feel the hotep message is a bit obvious but not annoying right now

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image from

Steph the overthinker/philosopher/ “okay Harriet = Anissa from Black Lightining”: I do not want this story to push the narrative that putting certain thought into black issues is a negative.  Everybody’s love of blackness does not take the same form. Steph philosophizing may be her way of loving blackness just like Kiera gaming is her way of loving her blackness.

🎮 Kiera has this (unfounded so far) thing about Kiera not liking Malcolm because of classicism. I haven’t read far enough so I don’t agree with the assessment that Steph hates Malcolm because he is poor. I get the feeling that because Kiera sees Steph as an overthinker she dismisses everything she says as overthinking/too much thus Steph valid critiques about Malcolm are thrown out the window.  Steph really doesn’t like him because he is a hotep. It makes me feel a way that Kiera is so hard on Steph but not as hard on Malcolm.

🎮 Also, I can admit that I feel Steph is how people perceive me so some of my feelings with her rooted in that.  I do forget what I’m saying just like Steph so that is accurate.

I think  Steph needs an outlet outside of her family to suss out her feelings about blackness.

Nene Leakes The Ghetto GIF - NeneLeakes TheGhetto Rhoa GIFs

image from tenor

Mom aka respectability ahoy:  its sad how all these extremes ~ hoteps, respectability stifle blackness.

“She wants us to walk into a job interview one day with “Ay, I ain’t got much ‘sperience, but I’ma do what I gotta do to get the job done, you feel me, cuz?” but Steph and I know how to alternate” – said by Kiera, I kind of feel a way about this statement because it gives off even by Kiera respectability-ish. I kind of don’t like this but I feel we have to get into respectability.

At the same token I enjoy the mom like I get enjoyment from Malcolm they both are loud and wrong and that’s fun to react to.

image from

Kiera the middle/”normal black”: Kiera to my assessment is one of those middle girls who isn’t an extreme like everyone else.

🎮 I feel like Kiera is slightly dismissive…. and she literally doesn’t know what AAVE  is… Kiera does  not understand AAVE but gets the differences in diaspora…

🎮 I think the reason why you’re (Kiera) mad at your sister is because she puts thought into stances and you want to not think about anything. I don’t know it almost feels like Kiera has no thoughts of her own outside of superficially showing black figures. My thing is that at least Malcolm and Steph stand in their truth. Also, I don’t think Steph would see you as all you think she will when it gets down to it. Your projecting so much on her.

🎮 I wish that Kiera would talk to her sister and not make it like Steph is not good enough like thinking about terminology in the conversation they were having  isn’t important too. Kiera is judgy.

Image result for slay game brittney morris(I can admit that the deck of cards are interesting to look at and I feel weird linking this saying some of the stuff I say down below )

The Game: I’m not enjoying the game but I literally only play The Sims, Animal Crossing, and dating sim games. *eyeroll* this game is not as epic as people advertised. It feels corny/not that interesting.

My Gripes or The Glitches? (Is glitches too harsh?): So I have been having this feeling of checklist with Slay its doing a lot talking about a lot. Sometimes it seems like the story doesn’t settle down to let us think/interpret either.

Ending Thoughts

🎮 This book took a lot of energy (especially with the Steph & Kiera thing)

🎮 The first chapter is very long, I’m reading the ebook and I wonder how long it is in the physical form.

🎮 This is a fun book to react to lol.

Image result for eating popcorn gif


240: The Good Luck Girls (ARC Review)

36381842. sy475


Westworld meets The Handmaid’s Tale in this stunning fantasy adventure from debut author Charlotte Nicole Davis.

Aster, the protector
Violet, the favorite
Tansy, the medic
Mallow, the fighter
Clementine, the catalyst


The country of Arketta calls them Good Luck Girls–they know their luck is anything but. Sold to a “welcome house” as children and branded with cursed markings. Trapped in a life they would never have chosen.

When Clementine accidentally murders a man, the girls risk a dangerous escape and harrowing journey to find freedom, justice, and revenge in a country that wants them to have none of those things. Pursued by Arketta’s most vicious and powerful forces, both human and inhuman, their only hope lies in a bedtime story passed from one Good Luck Girl to another, a story that only the youngest or most desperate would ever believe.

It’s going to take more than luck for them all to survive.

I won this off of bookishfirst so here is my review

The Wreck

So a large part of this novel I  did not like because of all these issues…

The pacing  – yes, there was the traditional western outlaw happenings which funnily enough was fun to read about in another book, The Last Outlaws, but was not fun here. It felt like nothing happened for a large part of this novel.

The Characters – Aster got on my nerves and the characters for the most part seemed flat. They were interchangeable and their personalities felt tacked on (probably because we were told who they were not shown).

The story took a while for me to really enjoy (like over 50% of the book)

The Draw

Characters: the cast of characters are mostly people of color, mostly girls of color, and the main character is a black girl all are pretty rare in westerns

-The character arc of Aster really stands out since there is this trend of angry black girls who are fueled by their anger to do unwise things. One of my problems is that it seems like in this trend anger is taking the place of personality. So I like that this story actually explored that anger.

Setting: I think the second half of the novel came more into the world, a dystopia set in the wild west. This is a wild west that does not erase African Americans history or presence. I got this awe from how rare it is  to see African American historical fantasy, westerns, and just American historical fantasy in general. I’m anticipating seeing more of the world.

Pacing: I think that the story was not necessarily faster or slower in pace but more so came into a lot of what it set up in the first half.

Commentary: One of the aspects of the story I liked from the beginning was the way it has subtle commentary about things.

At a certain point I took a break for week (went on vacation)  read an essay on the way back,  Sherri L. Smith’s Orleans and Karen Sandler’s Tankborn: The Female Leader, the Neo-Slave Narrative, and Twenty-first Century Young Adult Afrofuturism

which I think contributed at least a little bit to this reverence I have for this book. I’m excited for this book being something that can be studied and adding to overall landscape of black fiction.

The Standoff

I left this book bursting with excitement for everything this story means, what it did right, and the next book.

I wish I would have read this as a readalong just so I could touch on all the things here and there the author put into the story (I can tell she did research)


Other Black Dystopian Young Adult…

On A Clear Day by Walter Dean Myers

Orleans by Sherri L. Smith

Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Diverse Dystopian Novels List


(book cover image and synopsis are from goodreads)