5 Books I Could Not Be Bothered To Read 1st & 5 More Books I Will Not Be Bothered To Read 1st (TBR)

An idea has been forming in my head for a while about reading the second book in a series before the first. The idea has resurfaced because I have been reading Not Now, Not Ever which is the second book in a series by Lily Anderson.

Books That I read out of order


Not Now, Not Ever (2nd, currently reading, honestly I wanted to skip to black characters)


A Storm of Swords (3rd, saw the show up to season two before I started the book series. So I decided to read the third book since that was where the show was going the next year. Also, I think I had an itch to be more into the ASOIAF world)


Princess In Spotlight (2nd, didn’t know it was the 2nd book)


Most Likely to Succeed (3rd, skip to black main character)


Lagoona Blue and the Big Sea Scarecation (3rd, skipped others because I do not like Frankie or Draculaura)

5 Books I Desire To Read Out of  Order


Winds of Salem (3rd, own it, found for cheap, saw bit of first season of show so not super invested in series to go about getting the first)


Whichwood (2nd, it is actually a companion novel, skip to poc main character)


Monster High: Monster Rescue: Operation Find Cleo! (3rd, can be read as standalone I think which is kinda cheating, skip to poc/character I like)


Day 21 (2nd, own, another one of those I don’t care about series that much but found it for cheap)


The Crown of the Conqueror  (2nd,own, first book is not at any of my libraries and I just wanted to try read second book in series like it’s a experiment or something)


What books do you want to read out-of-order? What books have you read out of order? What is your opinion about reading books out of order?

Mini-Reviews: Please Look After The Disembodied Devotion of A Star-Touched Queen



Like: black woman who games system and nuances of race, passingness, white threat and how all this can effect people view of cases/things justice # fair/colorblind

Dislike: repetitive (cannot get super mad because black folks especially women are hard to get info on) but it feels bare like there are missing details /their is not enough details

It sucks I did not like this because it was my most anticipated non-fiction for two years


281: Please Look After Mom

Like: The first part (mom  and daughter/ youngest child experience)

Dislike: Everything after first part, guilt!!! you must feel it, may have been too long, after a while the guilt and random stories got old, mom is too perfect


Like: Indian mythology heavy, doesn’t insta-love everything, lyrical

Dislike: Toward the ending I was like ok time to end this, love was not earned enough so felt sappy at times (I like building relations vs relationship so yeah I need it to feel relationships)


282: The Devotion of Suspect X

The Good

Adaptations to watch later, Japanese characters and setting, dimension and interesting characters, challenging stereotypes (underbelly of japan), see all killer(s) mistakes in real time, know killer(s) so have to like or find killers interesting

The Bad

People who hoard info, can talk about aspect toward ending but the reveal of why and reasoning was ugh

Netgalley Reviews: Fairy Tale Retellings

I did not plan for this random fairy tale theme actually.

(I received these for my honest review from netgalley)


Girls Made of Snow and Glass



Why DNF? The way the writing was set up (the two main characters stories paralleling each other) was confusing. So I would keep mixing up Lynet and Mina. Where are the fantasy elements? The story was slow going and barely had any fantasy which as a personal preference I do not like in fantasy unless the characters are really compelling.

Like:  idea of the fantasy elements (glass heart), idea of exploration of snow white and evil queen relationship


Little Red Wolf


Art: artistic (play around with color and style), reminiscent of fairy tales, font fits what would be in a fairy tale book

Story: I liked the twist on red riding hood and how the story captures fairy tales essence well. It captures the brutality, whimsicalness, and the beats without it being an average fairy tale story.