322: Shanghai Girls

I Love girls in dresses


 “In 1937, Shanghai is the Paris of Asia, a city of great wealth and glamour, the home of millionaires and beggars, gangsters and gamblers, patriots and revolutionaries, artists and warlords. Thanks to the financial security and material comforts provided by their father’s prosperous rickshaw business, twenty-one-year-old Pearl Chin and her younger sister, May, are having the time of their lives. Though both sisters wave off authority and tradition, they couldn’t be more different: Pearl is a Dragon sign, strong and stubborn, while May is a true Sheep, adorable and placid. Both are beautiful, modern, and carefree . . . until the day their father tells them that he has gambled away their wealth and that in order to repay his debts he must sell the girls as wives to suitors who have traveled from California to find Chinese brides.

As Japanese bombs fall on their beloved city, Pearl and May set out on the journey of a lifetime, one that will take them through the Chinese countryside, in and out of the clutch of brutal soldiers, and across the Pacific to the shores of America. In Los Angeles they begin a fresh chapter, trying to find love with the strangers they have married, brushing against the seduction of Hollywood, and striving to embrace American life even as they fight against discrimination, brave Communist witch hunts, and find themselves hemmed in by Chinatown’s old ways and rules.

At its heart, Shanghai Girls is a story of sisters: Pearl and May are inseparable best friends who share hopes, dreams, and a deep connection, but like sisters everywhere they also harbor petty jealousies and rivalries. They love each other, but each knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt the other the most. Along the way they face terrible sacrifices, make impossible choices, and confront a devastating, life-changing secret, but through it all the two heroines of this astounding new novel hold fast to who they are–Shanghai girls.”

The Good

There are actual Chinese main characters. A lot of ranty thoughts dealing with the sisters was addressed in the book.

The Bad

The issues were addressed but the problems were still present in the story for most of the book except the end. I was not feeling this book from the first moment I started listening to the audiobook. You would think that I would stop this fiendishly self-destructive behavior of continuing books that don’t interest me from the get go. My most logical explanation for finishing this book is the I love girls in dresses picture that I found. I still feel that the picture embodies what Lisa See was trying to do even after reading the book. Do you know how hard it is to find covers let alone pictures of Asian women wearing dresses? I found these two girls who made me think immediately that is Shanghai Girls.

Shanghai Girls hit on a lot of my pet peeves. One of them being  stories that have the characters in a certain foreign place in this case China then spend the rest of the story in America. The immigrant experience is not interesting to me. So it should not be a surprise that I do not like how this immigrant experience was told.  I did not like how the overall book was written honestly. First of all everything is told in a lyrical boring philosophical way. Then things are told over and over again ( things that happened five minutes ago.)

Authors fall into this biography style story telling which infuriates me. It annoyed me in The Shoemaker’s Wife, it annoys me still. The biography story telling just seems like a big heap of telling and no showing. It involves the story being told in a fashion of so and so does this. Time Skip. Then so and so did this, major event happens. A lot of telling me about characters but not much if any showing characters actions. Now that we are on the topic of characters. I did not care for the characters at the beginning of the story. I had that dumpy feeling even before 19% but I did not let it go.  Then something happened that fooled me into thinking that I cared about the characters. This one little scene was a glimmer of light that if continued would have made me love this book. The ironic thing for me is even in my feeling something in the scene there was stupidity in it. The honest truth is that I felt like something was missing right away from the story. I told myself that whatever that missing piece was it would be put in later. I realize that it was a lack of character investment. How can I invest in characters who have no development? Characters reach America and just basically do nothing but go through the motions. So of course I spent most of the story ranting at the characters out loud around my house.

When do you realize you are not into a book? When you reach the half way point wanting the story to end. I just could not be paid to care.

I just want to ask. Why? Why is this a series?

Conclusion: Eh.

Library Haul 9/12/13

 Graphic Novels/Manga

axeman ww1 9780345496812_p0_v1_s260x420


hounded-cover  lsh

What My Brother Got So By Extension What I Got

  the odyssey I may not be able to read this one because I decided to read the original story. I actually own it but took I off my list a long time ago.

parasyte-v-1_cover-artboxart_160weyes to see Already Reads: both were awesome by the way

a sicknesshave not read before hope it is good.

A Couple of things I noticed…

  1. I checked 6 /9 manga/graphic novels.
  2. I did not get exactly all the books I intended to. I really wanted to get horror novels but I did not have enough time to plan and I just was not feeling the ones I planned. I read a little bit in the library one of them just did not get my attention while the other did not feel like the right book for me at the moment. I think Gone with the Wind has really turned me off from big books from the library for a while.

Sad &  Angry Rant: During my library visit I wanted to get a nonfiction book  but couldn’t decide what to get. I really wanted to cross over into nonfiction to broaden my horizons.  My sibling was there with me and he was following me around telling me not to get a nonfiction book because I would not like it. Telling I need to sit and read the books I already picked because I already had too much. I know that he was probably saying this to me because I usually go on rants on it seems every book I read recently. I did sit earlier and cut some books just by reading the first chapter so I was good. I just feel that when I go to the library it is a special occasion that I do not get to go on everyday. So I stroll around the library staring at books and touching them. In those moments I missed my high school library. I miss going to the library and not having someone following me around and rushing me. I missed how my life as a reader was at that time. I miss not feeling so much disappointment in books.  I miss not having my library going being controlled by someone else. I am going to probably go on a rant about being around non-readers on my September reading month wrap up.

Bookhaul 9/6/13

So I seem to be getting a lot of books lately.


5166MJMSENL__SY300_ I actually got the first book in a series I already own. Yes!

9780808522317_p0_v1_s260x420 I read a little bit of this book and it reminds me of Sorcerer’s Son by Phyllis Eisenstein. Sorcerer’s Son had so much imaginative fantasy stuff which makes me excited to get into this book.

I Hope It is Not As Sloppy as the Hate List or Have As Much Problems

MV5BMjE0NDE0MjYxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM2NTY5Ng@@__V1_SY317_CR1,0,214,317_ All I know is that it is a movie and the main character is the mom of a person who did a school shooting. I am interested because it is a point of view that is new to me in reading.

1 Is the cover not really awesome. Bad News: I read  a little bit of it and it made me squirm. annoying teens.


Historical Fiction

birth-house Canadian historical fiction

A novel about African Americans going to other countries during slavery.

oh my stars


HOOK_FRONT Peter Pan retelling.

200px-Pygmynovel I read Choke by him before which was a weird book.

August Update

I read a bit of the Forsyte Saga this week. I don’t care for it really this far. I listened to it at first on audiobook which failed because I really was not paying attention to it. Then I finally sat down and read the first chapter. What I thought I heard when I listened to it did not match what the first chapter really was. I am going to continue it. I hope that it does pick up.

  • Moby Dick is actually cool so far. I have a expectation that it will get rough later on. The trick to my being able to handle the book so far were others dnf it is, audiobooks.
  • The Stand- actually going along swimmingly as much as I complained about the build up. It needs build up and I just needed a break.
  • A Clash of Kings- yes, one little part makes me chuckle and smile.
  • O. Henry complete works- it is full of short stories which I think this reader needed.
  • Field of Blood-DNF. did not catch me  and was confusing actually.

Library Books

1. Parasyte, Banya: thumbs up

2. Death Note: ehh

3. Grave Mercy, To The Moon and Back: No, DNFers

4. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Why? DNF

5. Gone with the Wind : beginning of the book

end of the book

Books Sampled In Preparation for Library Visit

No I will Not Continue

  1. Something Like Fate- because of the dialogue http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6621143-something-like-fate?ac=1
  2. Total Waste of Makeup- why is the main character giving super obvious advice that woman/girl should know. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/342667.A_Total_Waste_of_Makeup?ac=1
  3. Sweet Evil-something besides the synopsis tells me that this book will not be it. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11808950-sweet-evil?ac=1
  4. Fat Vampire- I thought that this book would be funny but it is not and the main character is annoying. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7031817-fat-vampire?ac=1
  5. Shaedes of Gray- I did not like it at all.  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10681429-shaedes-of-gray?ac=1
  6. Mermaid- the first page really ehh and made me not want to continue. Also, I read the synopsis and that made me really decide not to continue. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7320740-mermaid?ac=1
  7. Some Girls Bite- It follows some fault logic that I will not get into because I think it would be a spoiler. Overall, the story did not make me want to read more. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4447622-some-girls-bite?ac=1
  8. The Knife of Never Letting Go- The writing is really weird which I knew about before even reading it. Then I got spoiled on stuff before even reading the book which would be annoying if I had some investment into it. I am wishy washy about this I kind of wonder if this story could become good later on. Right now the writing makes everything seem annoying. So I will just let this one go. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2118745.The_Knife_of_Never_Letting_Go?ac=1
  9. Candy- Wish washy on this one too. It feels like things should be interesting/funny but I do not feel myself being interested. I am going to go with my gut instead of putting this book on the hook.
  10. Veiled Threats- I did not like how it started. I feel that the story will not be interesting. I think this one of the books that I just needed to sit down and get the courage to let go of. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/747380.Veiled_Threats?ac=1
  11. Highland Spirits- I started skimming in the preview. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1996283.Highland_Spirits?ac=1
  12. My Fair Godmother- I am wishy washy on this one too. I think that it was interesting that the main character is not the I think I am ugly smart loner character. However, I am going to trust my gut and let this one go. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4346365-my-fair-godmother?ac=1

The biggest thing I had to tell myself is do some of these books synopsis  even appeal to you. I have a lot of books on my tbr that are on there because of the cover or whatever reason. Are these books on your tbr because the story really makes you want to read it? That is the question I have to ask myself. So these are some books that I deleted off my tbr without sampling because I do not believe that I will like them.

Shatter Me, Before  I Fall

I was wanted to continue  when the preview ended ( or Should have really passed on the first two of these)

  1. Grave Mercy- It really starts off well.  It has such a good premise I am hoping against all hopes that this book will not fall into ya traps or any other book traps. Please, be good, do not kill what could be a amazing story. sorry, it killed it so boringly  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9565548-grave-mercy?ac=1
  2. To The Moon and Back – I want to see more. I am kind of wishy washy on this one. I really feel though that there is potential though.  sorry again    http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8421219-to-the-moon-and-back?ac=1
  3. Mark of Demon- I was hooked early on. I really wanted to have the rest of the book in front of me.  I like the main character and her story is interesting. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6048518-mark-of-the-demon?ac=1

I want to get past the monotony of the same old same old books that everyone else is reading. If you are going to tale a tale that is old as time tell it differently. Don’t give me a immigrant story were the character never ever does anything. ( controlling myself to not go on a full rant about how unoriginal most literature is seeming these days.)

Genres that I am into right now: fantasy, horror, mystery, action

genres I am not into right now: historical fiction, romance, chick lit, or really anything that is not action

Couple Things Happened this week/rant

  • Personality I feel that something that has been underlining my reading, the question of personality. Does this character have a personality? I think it is in result of Scarlett from Gone with the Wind. She has such a strong personality that I can describe. I feel that a lot of characters do not have a personality. That is one of the reasons Grave Mercy did not work for me. I am not saying that being mean equals having personality. Definitely not pushing that annoying assumption forward. Scarlett and other characters work because you see their personality in the little things they do. The Song of Ice and Fire series does well because every last character has motivations and personality.
  • I joined this goal setting site to help me with my millions of books. http://www.getgoaling.com/index.php
  • Purging. In result of the  this: I feel that my books are a burden right now. It has been a underlining feeling that sometimes is very small, right now it is big. I just want to start over. I want to go back to the joy of discovering and buying new books. I want to go on a classic haul and not worry about how many books I have. I want to not pick up  a book and it is trash. I have too many books. That fact makes me sad. That I will be tied down to these books for another year of trying to read books I own. 266 maybe at the end of this year. What if am not able to read all 266 in 2014 that will mean another year of slogging through books. I do not want to bulk dump without reason but I have too many books.I purged hard this month. I probably purged the same amount I usually do now that I think about it. Anyway, I sat down and let go of books to put in new more fulfilling books.
  • I decided to take a break. A couple of concerns I have: Reading is such a big part of my life what will I do to replace it? Also, I question if time will make everything magically disappear. There are still going to be these issues when I come back. I would love to leave and come back and everything is better. But I sadly doubt that things will change. I think that I actually have done well so far.

Bookhaul 8/31/13

The premise of my bookhaul, instead of trying to make books that are not working work, get books that you will be excited about. Get rid of the ehh not working books be happy.

I don’t have the first one but somehow got the preceding books/More H&NAS

I can find almost every book in the series except the first book.
I love the world she created in Chrestomanci so I hope this world is as if not more interesting.


Yes! I have finally gotten more classics. You still will have to see me talk about how many classics I want but do not have.

I really like the covers for these books and feel that they represent the books from what I read. I need to remember to talk about if the covers really represent the books after I read them.

I read that there is a brother and sister in here. I am always (if it is done well) interested in sibling/family relationships. One of the benefits to reading so many classics is going beyond the ones you hear so much about. I want to see how this book compares to his other books.


I have read Frankenstein and Dracula. So this will finish the set. Another benefit to reading a lot of the popular classics is knowing these works for myself.
I have read 10 tales by him. There were a lot of his stories that were not in there. One of the stories I am excited for is Murders in the Rue Morgue because I read a graphic novel, which I cannot find right now, was based on it.


I have read The Time Machine and War of the Worlds which were both solid books.

One more thing I have learned, classic horror/fantasy/sci-fi is no joke.