264: Class of Hope and Change


*received in exchange for my review*


Reclaiming their time. Sharing their lives. Speaking their truth.

Millennials, the young people who entered adulthood during the first 18 years of the 21st century, have come of age during one of the most dramatic periods in modern human history. The rapid changes taking place in their individual lives parallel the rapid changes occurring in technology, culture, economics, and politics in societies around the world.

For the past ten years, millennials have been the driving force behind large and small changes across the full spectrum of life. They have built their own seats, created spaces for themselves at the tables of influence, and claimed their places as equal stakeholders in the ongoing project of human civilization.

They have a lot to say, and we made time to listen.

Class of Hope and Change captures this moment in history through a series of conversations, conducted over the past two years, with over 50 millennials. This book is an intra-generational conversation among young people who bring a variety of life experiences and cultural perspectives to discussions about a wide range of timely and timeless subjects.

This beautiful movement of love, trust, and truth is rooted in the belief that through conversation, we can discover the gems of wisdom which lie beneath the surface of what we typically see and share on social media.

Life in the real world is not always pretty, but we think truth can be communicated in love…and we aspire to do just that.

Pick up your copy of the book, and join us!  

The Good

First and foremost it is something to read the thoughts and opinions of black people always.

The amount and variety of voices (the chapter on technology is one of the best examples of this because when you think the narrative of technology is going to be one-sided someone comes in with a differing/rounded opinion)

Wide variety in topics- it is not just social justice (there are chapters on social media and art)

There is a lot of consciousness so this was not just  uninformed opinions

Reading the opinions of people who are millennials (around my age)- one of my issues I have realized is feeling so much black content (particularly literature) is written for folks older than me. Yes, the older generations works can still say something to me but there is something to reading things that pertain directly to me.

The chapters were short and easy to read- Another gripe (yes, another one) is that sometimes I feel people put on airs when writing nonfiction (and poetry and literary fiction). This book is not formal and stuffy which I think makes it flow really well. Also, the different opinions are usually a chapter to page at most so not long. I personally paired it with watching television (reading during the commercial breaks, it was easy to switch back into the show or movie versus other books where there are not many breaks in the chapter)

Beginning of chapters- throws out truth bombs and manages to capture all these different things that need to be said about the topics in one page

The Meh

Some chapters were tough to read because of the subjects of the chapters.

It would have been interesting to have even more variety in voices. There were points where it felt like people were repeating the same ideas (but I do think it gives a snapshot into the values and ideas we as black people carry. Basically, it possibly shows what was passed on to our generation and what we will pass on to other generations.)


Library Checkout Reviews: The Belles


Camellia Beauregard is a Belle. In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty, and Beauty is a commodity coveted above all else. In Orléans, the people are born gray, they are born damned, and only with the help of a Belle and her talents can they transform and be made beautiful.

But it’s not enough for Camellia to be just a Belle. She wants to be the favorite—the Belle chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live in the royal palace, to tend to the royal family and their court, to be recognized as the most talented Belle in the land. But once Camellia and her Belle sisters arrive at court, it becomes clear that being the favorite is not everything she always dreamed it would be. Behind the gilded palace walls live dark secrets, and Camellia soon learns that the very essence of her existence is a lie—that her powers are far greater, and could be more dangerous, than she ever imagined. And when the queen asks Camellia to risk her own life and help the ailing princess by using Belle powers in unintended ways, Camellia now faces an impossible decision.

With the future of Orléans and its people at stake, Camellia must decide—save herself and her sisters and the way of the Belles—or resuscitate the princess, risk her own life, and change the ways of her world forever.

The Ugly

Many questions have repeatedly crossed my mind in 2018: Yes, it talks about problem but does it do it well? Does it move past starting a conversation to moving conversations? Does it show complexity? This book does not do a good job showing the fullness or even a bit of the realities/ugliness of beauty.

  • It deals with the conversation of beauty simplistically
  • Too much description. At one point I described it as fluffy, shallow, superficial
  • So many interesting details in background but none in foreground (and so much of these details are wasted)
  • Billions of subplots but not a lot of work on main plot. I mean think if this story actually spent time developing the antagonist and conflicts instead of useless scenes. We do not five scenes of the antagonist doing evil to get it
  • Camellia is so dense like she holds back the story with her naiveté like obvious stuff she does not investigate, she doesn’t know when to read the room or shut her mouth
  • Antagonist is a cartoony villain- they did not feel dimensional
  • Nothing happens for large part of the novel. If I am being honest did the story ever really ever pick up?
  • The love interest and their romance was weak
  • Is this story reinforcing beauty standards? (Then again I have a post coming about my expectations/assumptions when it comes to this book. As sad as it sounds has any story really been challenging or subverting beauty standards in y.a.?)
  • It felt like this novel heavily reinforced negative things without subversion, challenge, or commentary

The Beautiful

  • There is a huge list of interesting parts of this world
  • It did manage to go against my expectations at points (but then fall back into those expectations but this is the positive section)
  • Audiobook elevated this book it is the reason I finished the book


In a weird way it did make me think about bigger issues

-There are not enough black novels that specifically (fantasy or not) deal with beauty for black girls

-Reinforcing beauty standards. When are we going to start subverting beauty standards? I think it connected all these separate observations in my head about how we talk about beauty in young adult lit (link shows a small few of my observations)

Did It Better In My Opinion:

court intrigue, beauty, fantasy ~ Forest of A Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

plastic surgery, different types of beauty, many of conversations around beauty ~  My ID is Gangnam Beauty (Korean drama)


Interpreting Synopses

In this post the author intends to not only interpret what they think these books will be about based only on the synopsis (except for one they fully read) and give their thoughts about  synopses in general.

Part of Your World by Liz Baswell

What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula? Five years after the (twisted) events of the film, Ariel is now the queen of Atlantica, and Ursula is running Eric’s kingdom on land. But when the sea witch threatens Atlantica once more, Ariel finds herself returning to a world (and a prince) she thought she’d left behind forever.


Ursula is running Eric’s kingdom on land (ugh)- I don’t like this because it sounds like it is going to be boring and if Ariel never defeated Ursula she would be dead. Why is Ursula not running the underwater kingdom? I want Ursula to be the ruler. Okay, so this is going through the viewpoint of if Ursula married Prince Eric. I support that.

Ariel being queen might be interesting.

Caveat- Ursula is probably my favorite villain so I want her to be in the forefront and I feel this will not allow that. I want to see what Ursula ruling the merkingdom would be like but this is not that story.

Home and Away by Candice Montgomery

Tasia Quirk is young, Black, and fabulous. She’s a senior, she’s got great friends, and a supportive and wealthy family. She even plays football as the only girl on her private high school’s team.

But when she catches her mamma trying to stuff a mysterious box in the closet, her identity is suddenly called into question. Now Tasia’s determined to unravel the lies that have overtaken her life. Along the way, she discovers what family and forgiveness really mean, and that her answers don’t come without a fee. An artsy bisexual boy from the Valley could help her find them—but only if she stops fighting who she is, beyond the color of her skin.


The entire first paragraph I support since there are not enough rich black main characters in young adult. I think there could be a conversation about respectability and privilege. Is there going to be (black) feminist conversation in result of her being the only girl on football team?  She goes to a private school so race is probably going to be a thing.

Bet the mysterious box is her being adopted. bet. “Her answers don’t come without a fee” sounds ominous. Do you think there is a very real reason she was put up for adoption?

The valley so the main character is from Beverly Hills? (researched it nope)  Of course she is into a poorer guy. This is another source for story to talk about privilege. Also, he is bisexual authors do not usually allow men (or anyone for that matter) to be bisexual since most of the time they act like they don’t exist. What is she fighting if she already knows she is black? Is she finding about another racial identity? She is biracial- white and black obviously because the only biracial that exists in media is between white and black. What if her mom or dad cheated and that is the fee she pays?

I don’t like this beyond the color of her skin phrasing it feels very my race doesn’t define me. It gives off a “transcend” blackness vibe blagh.

The Ring & The Crown by Melissa De La Cruz

Princess Marie-Victoria, heir to the Lily Throne, and Aelwyn Myrddn, bastard daughter of the Mage of England, grew up together. But who will rule, and who will serve?

Quiet and gentle, Marie has never lived up to the ambitions of her mother, Queen Eleanor the Second, Supreme Ruler of the Franco-British Empire. With the help of her Head Merlin, Emrys, Eleanor has maintained her stranglehold on the world’s only source of magic. She rules the most powerful empire the world has ever seen.

But even with the aid of Emrys’ magic, Eleanor’s extended lifespan is nearing its end. The princess must marry and produce an heir or the Empire will be vulnerable to its greatest enemy, Prussia. The two kingdoms must unite to end the war, and the only solution is a match between Marie and Prince Leopold VII, heir to the Prussian throne. But Marie has always loved Gill, her childhood friend and soldier of the Queen’s Guard.

Together, Marie and Aelwyn, a powerful magician in her own right, come up with a plan. Aelwyn will take on Marie’s face, allowing the princess to escape with Gill and live the quiet life she’s always wanted. And Aelwyn will get what she’s always dreamed of–the chance to rule. But the court intrigue and hunger for power in Lenoran England run deeper than anyone could imagine. In the end, there is only rule that matters in Eleanor’s court: trust no one.

Comments (Pre-read)

Princess Marie-Victoria will serve because she is the heir to the throne.

My impression is that her mom is going to be mean (possibly the villain) because her daughter does not live up to her ambitions. Also, she maintains a stronghold on the only magic in the world so she is fierce, for a lack of better word.

Extended lifespan (aided obviously/assuming  by magic)

Love triangle (ugh) Prince Leopold VII +Marie+ Gill

Gill is of course a soldier and the guy she does not want is royalty (even though this is probably based upon historical events so yeah but still ugh)

The Face Swap- I support it. It sounds like it might be interesting.

(Post-read) More Accurate Synopsis

Magic is power, and power is magic…

Once they were inseparable, just two little girls playing games in a mighty castle. Now Princess Marie-Victoria, heir to the mightiest empire in the world, and Aelwyn Myrddyn, a bastard mage, face vastly different futures.

Quiet and gentle, Marie has never lived up to the ambitions of her mother, Queen Eleanor the Second. With the help of her Merlin, Eleanor has maintained a stranglehold on the world’s only source of magic. While the enchanters faithfully serve the crown, the sun will never set on the Franco-British Empire.

As the annual London Season begins, the great and noble families across the globe flaunt their wealth and magic at parties, teas, and, of course, the lavish Bal du Drap d’Or, the Ball of the Gold Cloth.

But the talk of the season is Ronan Astor, a social-climbing American with only her dazzling beauty to recommend her. Ronan is determined to make a good match to save her family’s position. But when she falls for a handsome rogue on the voyage over, her lofty plans are imperiled by her desires.

Meanwhile, Isabelle of Orleans, daughter of the displaced French royal family, finds herself cast aside by Leopold, heir to the Prussian crown, in favor of a political marriage to Marie-Victoria. Isabelle arrives in the city bent on reclaiming what is hers. But Marie doesn’t even want Leopold-she has lost her heart to a boy the future queen would never be allowed to marry.

When Marie comes to Aelwyn, desperate to escape a life without love, the girls form a perilous plan that endangers not only the entire kingdom but the fate of the monarchy.

Comments (Post-read)

The first synopsis does not give a picture to what this book is truly really about thus setting people up for disappointment.

How this is better…

1) Takes away “the event” so it can be a surprise

2) Emphasizes the multi-point of view

3) Deemphasizes the magic

4) Shows the complex connections of the characters

Thoughts on Synopsis

~Assumptions- what I assume the story is about vs what the story actually is about

Just doing this commenting on synopsis shows me what assumptions I bring into these novels. What unspoken expectations are put on novels that novels are expected to fulfill? The example that comes to mind is The Belles because I came into it with assumptions

  1. Because the author is a black woman she has to talk about black beauty
  2. Because the story is about beauty it has to be an indictment of beauty standards in our society

The reason I put this squarely on my assumptions is because I don’t think the marketing ever said she is going to talk about  black beauty or challenge beauty standards. A bit to my defense I think when you mention a book is about beauty there is this connotation that the book is going to talk about beauty standards.I could say a lot but I’ll just say not addressing black beauty standards feels like a wasted opportunity. But also I feel bad for putting that expectation on her when there is a larger issue of not addressing the beauty standards that are put on black girls.

Also, what I noticed with the synopses is me filling in the blanks of what I would want or think will happen. Most of those fill ins are based on my knowledge of y.a. genre tropes. Going into a book without knowing a lot about it is a solution a lot of people use to try to navigate these expectations/assumptions. Well is there  a way to really go into a book without connotations since there is still the cover, color of the inside of the book, the title, typography of the title, the author, the publishers, the genre, the category, and not to mention the outside influence of other readers.

~ One of my biggest issues is the way publishing portrays books

They push what they think will sell versus selling it for what it is thus getting that audience disappointed. There are books like The Hate U Give that people/publishing pushed  solely as the black lives matter book. Part of me feels that publishing pushed T.H.U.G that way because they felt black lives matter/police brutality is hot right now so people will buy it up. Having read THUG it is not necessarily that focused on the black lives matter (from my recollection), its focused more on Starrs life. People were disappointed because they wanted it to be an in-depth conversation on black lives matter/police brutality and it’s not.

On the other hand I think in y.a. people like certain things such as epic fantasy. In the case of The Ring & The Crown it does not fit in that box of typical epic fantasy but the synopsis (on my book) sells it that way. Where do books that do not fit into an easy market box go? Will people buy x book if it is not sold a certain type of way?

~I guess in the end can you ever fully encompass what a book is anyway?

Also, there are so many memes about how hard it is to write synopses.

(from loebrick where they talk about difficulties of writing a synopsis)


Library Checkout Reviews & Comic Recommendations: The Perfect Nanny, For Everyone

At this point I have no idea what number library checkout review this is so yeah.


The Perfect Nanny

Author: Leila Slimani


For Everyone

Author: Jason Reynolds

  1. It is for every who has a dream (young, old, writers, non-writers)
  2. Especially liked its for older folks with a dream because society pushes having everything achieved by 25 = successful
  3. It is a short quick read
  4. I do not know if I like reading others poetry/poetry books but I thought this was good (I picked this up on a whim that I think paid off)
  5. It is valuable that a black man is talking about dreaming and hoping. It makes me think of Octavia Butlers affirmations.

Since I am not ready to release any other reviews yet here are some recommendations of books from Hoopla my main library comic book source:

Jughead: The Hunger series

Betty & Veronica: Vixens series

Riverdale volume 1

Moonstruck volume 1

(all images are from goodreads)