Reading Week 3/24-30


Alyzon Whitestarr- Thank you Isobelle Carmody, I have not liked a young adult book in a while.

Updating the Queue

  • Moby Dick- I just picked this up to help me fall asleep,did not work. My first impression can be explained in one word wasteful. The extract was eight pages long and  had every quote about whales that exists.  I could excuse the eight pages if the quotes did not seem to be a waste. I feel that the quotes are not going to have any baring on the story. I  have my expectations down but am still reading it. I cannot explain it but I still want to read it. I’m not specifically bored at the moment but can see it could head there. I would recommend using: or
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame- If I am going to start Moby Dick a book that I expect not to be all that good, then I need to read a classic book that I actually like. Easy to get back into.I just want Victor Hugo to get back into the story and stop talking about his opinion on architecture and stuff. It is still readable but time to move on.
  • Tigana- had to put it to the side. It felt like such a struggle to get through this book. I will pick it up later on and see if my opinion changes on it.
  • Fool’s Die- still good waiting for something. Right now it is setting the background. I will put it down for a while.
  • A Game of Thrones- I find it weird that I just randomly picked up this book. I guess that this is one of the books I need to read right now. It really helped me to get out of the dumps of this week.Another weird thing is that I keep finding events that happened in the show that I did not remember happening. These are really important details.


  1. Planning vs. Finding things at random: I have been making random lists of books on my own pile on certain subjects such as interracial relationships. I thought is it better for me to not plan and discover these qualities about my books, or is it better to plan certain type of books.
  2. I’m really into classics right now. I think it is because of Anna Karenina. After finishing it, I looked up reviews on it. The reviews got me pumped for Anna Karenina in consequence classics in general. I think that the type of books I’m looking for can mostly found in classics. I do not know if this will fail. I  have not read more than two classics together consistently, I think. Then the rest of the week made me rethink reading so many classics.
  3. Bookhaul=36 books.So this week I felt down in the dumps so I needed a pick me up. That is why I have so many books plus the sale on the books was really really cheap.
  4. I was going to go on a classic reading extravaganza but that is not going to happen now.I am going to say something that I thought I would never say. I never really fully understood it until now. I need to read something that is not so thinky. I sit reading my college books for hours on end. Then, to read a book that I have to concentrate to read is not good. I probably would not have a problem with reading classic books but they are making my head physically hurt and some of them (yes, that is you The Hunchback of Notre Dame) focus so much right now on architecture or pushing an idea. I just need  a change of scenery for a bit.
  5. wh  I  realized I have a book with a Eskimo in it.  Moments like this make me happy to rediscover books. I have so many books that books get buried under the pile. I’ll probably not get to White Heat anytime soon so that sucks.
  6. I feel that my plan to read half of the books owned by me is not going well. I just keep getting books. I actually am not stressed about it like I probably should be.I guess the only thing that can be done is to not think about it and continue reading.
  7.  April 21st is Charlotte Bronte’s birthday. I hope that I can finish her book Villette by then.

Plans For Next Week

I am still kind of debating whether to put down most of my classic books: THOND and Moby Dick. I am scared to put them down because they are good books at least The Hunchback of Notre Dame is so far.It worries me a little bit that I am starting Villette on April 1st while putting down two perfectly good books. It seems very much of what I said would not get done. I really have to see if I am truly up to reading these books next week. I know definitely that I want to start on one of my newly bought books. Hopefully, next week will be better for me overall.

Reading Week 3/17-23


Before I Go To Sleep- action packed awesomeness.

Valley of the Dolls- I learned some valuable lessons from this book.

Updating the Queue

  • Tigana- I remember another big reason why this book got put to the side. It is sometimey. What that means is it has a moment of epicness. Then a bunch of pages of random stuff that is not terrible but leaves me asking why. I just want this story to get to the nitty-gritty.
  • Fools Die- so unpredictable in a good way. Every ending and beginning of a chapter makes me like it even more. I could not tell you what genre it was in for the longest. It does not conform to a genre so far.  It is awesome.
  • The Time In Between- If I have to go through the main character picking a man The Thorn Birds and Valley of the Dolls style, I will  scream. I do not want to see another chick picking the guy she should not be with. Commence the author trying to sell an epic love story that I do not feel. Then I get to watch the main character act love sickly stupid and get treated like trash. (Put down until further notice. Need to take a break from historical fiction for a little longer.You know what I am being nice. Need to come back when I am not burned from stupid girls.)
  • The Snow Queen Stories- 2/7. I can see this premise making a really good fantasy novel.
  • The Needle in the Blood- It potentially can be action filled. It just does not grab me so far. Is it that I need to give historical fiction a break? Put down until further notice.
  • Savannah Blues-It can potentially be mystery/funny thing. Put down until further notice.
  • Seventh Tower( The Fall)- 19% I can say that the fantasy aspect is different. It has potential to be action packed. I just am not into it. (I decided to dump it. I did not care last year when I read. I do not care this year when it is at 19%.Let me give it away, let someone else enjoy it.)
  • The House of Lost Souls-okay. It had some action and was trying to be foreboding. That was a fail. I was probably sleepy so that maybe it. Just  simply not into it. Put down until further notice.
  • The Good Fairies of New York- I can see were the author is trying to make something funny. I am a hard person to make laugh so hopefully the author can get me later on. Put down until further notice.


  1. Book Choosing for this week was way longer than last week. I knew that I had 60 pages of Before I Go to Sleep left that could not be finished. It could not be finished until I figured out the next book to read. ( It is probably going to be even longer next week,sadly.)
  2. Hans Christian Anderson and Joan D. Vinge’s birthday is on April 2nd. I did not know this until trying to decide if to read The Snow Queen. Joan D. Vinge based The Snow Queen off of a short story with the same name by Hans Christian Anderson. I was going to read the short story and The Snow Queen before their birthday but decided against it. My track record with finishing books before authors birthday is poor so far. I’m sorry Victor Hugo still have not got to it.
  3. Finally free to pick up a historical fiction book, I think. Is Valley of the Dolls considered historical fiction?( I am not cleared apparently. I need to get my hands on a good historical fiction book. Not the ones I have been reading  so far. I probably need to give the ones i have been reading more of a chance and blah blah. I just want to immediately be hooked onto a book not have to read half-way into it.For now more of a break from historical fiction is the answer.)
  4. Kind of addicted to adding preview ebooks to my kobo app. Even though, I have the physical copy of the books. I cannot get them on my eReader which is a  literati. So I was forced to just read them on the computer.
  5. Urge to read young adult literature. It is caused by many things but the possibly most important reason is my Pulse It account. I realized that I can read free books on there. It kind of feels like a waste to not read them. It wasn’t really working when I tried it.Then I decided to read some of these ya books I own. I see the whole thing as a win win situation. If I don’t like it I can just dump the book. Then if I do I can just read it. Either way my own list goes down.
  6. Urge to acquire a new book. I have a small want to go to the library. I would be okay not going to the library. I just need to get a good book in my hands that will take my mind off of the library or aquiring a new book.
  7. Finishing books is awesome. I have been reading really fast which is makes sense looking at my reading for the past years.
  8. I need one of my customary breaks. Every book picked up after finishing Valley of the Dolls has been okay. I want to be excited about these books but that is not so. I need a good break. It might be that I need to take a break from all these genres for some time. I am finding enjoyment in genres that I have not really read or do not read that much in. I may need to stop picking up books and just read Tigana and Fool’s Die.

Next Week Plans: Finish Tigana and maybe Alyzon Whitestarr. Maybe reading something that I was into in the young adult genre will work. I found out that I have only 210 pages left so that is good. I have 223 pages or 6 chapters left. If I read a chapter a day that should do the trick. I usually do not stick to plans so hopefully either way finishing at least one book this week is in the cards. Lastly, I will not forget Fool’s Die in my quest.

Reading Week 3/10-16


Anna Karenina- this book was read in collaboration of audiobook, e-book, and a physical copy. I will take a while on my review because I need to digest it for a while longer.

Updating the Queue

  • Before I go to Sleep – 86 pages left. This book is so action packed.
  • Tigana- I was looking for books that are past the fifty percent point or close to it. Tigana was six pages from fifty percent. So I read it and it was awesome.
  • Valley of the Dolls- Slowly but surely.


Knowing how much is far enough to judge a entire book is hard. All I can do is read all of the preview then give my opinion on it.

  • The Turning by Jennifer Armintrout (Blood Ties Series)

Should I continue this series? No.
It seems to exemplify most of the issues I have with paranormal romance. I did not like the main character. How she got turned was kind of interesting. But overall I could not be excited or into the book.

  • Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz(Touch Series)

Should I continue this series? No.
Why? Eh.Insta-love.Poor writing.


  1. Picking My Next Book- A very hard and complicated chose that could take days. Possibly resulting in me reading nothing for a couple of days. It only took about an hour maybe.
  2. Break One {The Internet} – I took two breaks this week from somethings. My first was the internet which was supposed to until Sunday. However, if I ever take a break from the internet it will truly be  planned so much better. Hopefully, I will be in the mood to read multiple books.
  3. After finishing Anna Karenina it probably goes without saying what the other break was supposed to be from reading. Somehow it seems like forces  pushed me to read more.The break without internet and almost a  full day without broadband made me able to mostly read.
  4. Honestly, it seems like forces are pushing me to read more. I try to take a two-day break and end up reading at least one of those days. So my breaks are actually hours versus days.
  5. I need more non-fiction books specifically: historical Russia, gypsies, and the 1800s.
  6. After realizing how close I was to fifty percent in Before I Go To Sleep I decided to pick up other books and reach close to fifty percent. I wanted after reading Anna Karenina to not commit fully to any books. I want all of my reading to fit into 60 pages a day.  So that means if I read  6 books each of them will be 10 pages a day.

Next Week Plan: My reading mood is not to take down a big reading project for a while. So basically everything is as stress less  and planless as possible.

Reading Week 3/3-9

  • Anna Karenina- 5/8. I was trying to casually no pressure finish this book this week but that did not happen. I have been reading it consistently for an entire month and still like it which is surprising. It should not be knowing how my reading has been going for the past months.
  • Valley of the Dolls- I did not pick it up for a couple of days because of reading Anna Karenina and doing my other hobbies. When I finally did pick it back up I was surprised it is still good. I’m just going to be reading this one slow.


  1. I want to have a classics book haul. I need to post my  list one day. I need to not get anymore books though. ( a few days later) So an even better idea is to use my eReader apps to preview these books then decide by the end of the preview if I like them or not. It is a good plan that may work because I do not have to add anymore books to my books owned. That would be 55(books that do not have first book to).397+55 = 452 (probably less than this because I have some books that are part of the same series. To get back to this number would depress me. It is like I cannot get under 300.
  2. Already foolishly trying to plan next book to read after finishing Anna Karenina.
  3. Taking breaks from reading and just books in general for a couple of days or hours. Reading the signs of not feeling a book or reading in general has really been helping me. I know I probably say this every week but it really is helping me be happy about reading. This blog is really in general is helping me put in perspective a lot of things in my reading life.

Next Week Plan

I will finish Anna Karenina, it will get finished, maybe. I will not put down Valley of the Dolls to finish Anna Karenina. I am not doing another put down of a book I am into to finish another book! I will probally also update on how my book challenges are going.

Next Book

First of all:  NO historical fiction, classics, ya or romance

Second: Iffy another big book, starting new book

Candidates: A. Game of Thrones   B.The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Honestly, it is going to come down to my mood after I finish Anna Karenina. So basically playing it by ear again.

Reading Week 2/24-3/2

  • Anna Karenina-4/8. Made it to a little past 50%!
  • The Luxe- My claws started coming out after two chapters and a prologue. I am going to have to put this one down and pick it up later.
  • Valley of the Dolls -so far so good.
  • The Twentieth Wife-put down and pick up another time. I cannot tell if it is me needing to get away from historical fiction or this book is just not good so far. My main problem is still her getting favor and the parents saying she is their favorite child.Then the author glazed over a really awesome moment.  Overall need to take a break from Historical fiction for a while.


  1. I missed Victor Hugo’s birthday.
  2. Book/asian drama want: murder,mystery, awesomeness
  3. Put Me Downs & No Pick Me Ups- After my last weekly wrap up I started thinking about my put down pile. I made a list of the books I put down and why.
  4. Further reflection and reading: Anna Karenina encompasses my reading mood/want right now. Someone in my goodreads group did not like the  detail orientednes of the book.I like it. I really need the details and everyday to make me happy right now. I want character development, intricacy, and just characters who are different. Really,honestly, did I ever leave this place is this not the place I have been since  the beginning of the year. Sad realization makes me feel that I pushed some books on myself.
  5. I think I a self-destructive reading problem or something. I read books that are not really what I need to read. Or to sum it up trying to finish a book a week syndrome, it is back. It is making me get into reading slumps and reading depressed. It has to stop , it REALLY has to stop!
  6. I’m really happy with what I’m reading. It is kind of weird.
  7. Bookhaul: got two new books. That is really low for me last time it was 25 books. I’m so close to 299 books ( taking away the books I don’t have the first book to,read, dumped). I’m worried though what happens when I get the first to some of these series that would bring me back to the 300s.
  8. I bought the Game of Thrones season 2 and 3 DVDs so Game of Thrones Fever will be coming back soon. Maybe before the third season comes out March 31.

My plan for next week: Playing it by ear pretty much. Trying not to fall into need to finish a book a week syndrome. I realized this week that the way I planned Anna Karenina that I probably will finish it this month. I kind of want to finish it this week but don’t know what I’ll read next. Crazy as it seems might pick up another classic. Anyway back on topic of next week, just going to read Valley of the Dolls and Anna Karenina.


February Update

Blue=missing the first or next book to read the series
1. Crooked by Laura and tom McNealthe
2. Lost in translation by Nicole Mones
3. On the street where you live by Mary Higgins Clark
4. Bury me deep by Megan abbot
5. Mistress of the art of death by ariana franklin
6. The fountainhead by ayn rand
7. I know why the caged bird sings by Maya angelou
8. A separate peace by john Knowles
9. Ramona by Helen hunt Jackson
10. great expectations by Charles dickens
11. hard times by Charles dickens
12. mommie dearest by Christina Crawford
13. prince jack frank spierring
14. the vampire lestat by Anne rice
15. by arne tangerlini
16. Aztec by Gary Jennings
17. Nicholas nickleby by Charles dickens
18. The weirdo by Theodore Taylor
19. One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
20. The confessions of charlotte Doyle by avi
21. Me talk pretty one day by David Sedaris Dumped
22. A passage to India by e.m. foster
23. Lost and found by Carolyn Pankhurst
24. The rose labyrinth by titania hardie
25. Japanese Americans by harry h.l. kitano
26. The unknown warrior by Gerald Seymour
27. Waiting by ha jin
28. This other Eden by Marilyn Harris
29. The good earth by pearl s. buck
30. The Hindi bind club by Monica pradhan
31. Tess of d’urbervilles by Thomas hardy
32. the shack by wm. Paul young
33. beware, princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer
34. samurai by saburo sakai
35. zero Eric van lustbader
36. snow falling on cedars by David guterson
37. rising sun by Michael Crichton
38. the Japanese corpse by janwillem van de wetering
39. an American in japan, 1945-1948
40. everything must go by Elizabeth flock
41. when the elephants dance by Tess uriza holthe
42. the laws of evening by Mary yukari waters
43. Whispers by dean r. koontz
44. the great secret by Ron Hubbard  Dumped
45. nine days a queen by Ann rinaldi
46. Ivanhoe by sir Walter Scott
47. The portrait of a lady by henry James
48. The count of Monte cristo by adam dumas
49. The Russian concubine by kate Furnivall
50. Neighbors from hell by frank field
51. V by a.c. crispin
52. The king of dragons by carol fenner
53. The secret of nimh by Robert c. O’brien
54. A vegetarian sourcebook by keith akers
55. Dragonwings by laURNCE YEP
56. The catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger
57. The queen of the damned by anne rice
58. Voyager by Diana gabaldon
59. the girl who played with fire by stieg Larsson Dumped
60. academy x by Andrew trees
61. bleak house by Charles dickens
62. the Anastasia syndrome and other stories by mary Higgins clark
63. beloved by toni Morrison
64. Mrs. Frisby and the rats of nimh by Robert c. o’brien
65. The birth of venus by sarah dunant
66. The joy luck club by amy tan
67. The thorn birds by colleen mccullough
68. Moby dick by herman Melville
69. Shadow of the dragon by sherry garland
70. Brave new world by Aldous Huxley
71. The lady Elizabeth by Alison weir
72. The winter queen by ris akunin
73. The sugar queen by sarah Addison allen
74. The rising by temple Mathews
75. The price of greed & malice
76. Laura rider’s masterpiece by jane Hamilton
77. The personal history of Rachel Dupree by ann weisgarber
78. Falling leaves by adeline yen mah
79. The runaway jury by john grisham
80. Bubbles a broad by sara strohmeyer Dumped
81. dragonfly in amber by Diana gabaldon
82. patience, princess Catherine by Carolyn meyer
83. The looking glass war by john le carre
84. Secrets of the Tudor Court: Between Two Queens by Kate Emerson
85. Figures in Silk by Vanora Bennett
86. Silent Ocean Away: Colette’s Dominion by DeVa Gantt
87. A thread of sky by Deanna fei
88. candy by kevin brooks
89. kissed by an angel by Elizaebeth chandler
{Kissed by an angel, the power of love, soulmates}
90. the ladies of grace adieu and other stories by Susanna Clarke
91. the Mercedes coffin by Faye Kellerman
92. scruples by Judith
93. zoya by Danielle steel
94. two to conquer by darion Zimmer Bradley
95. the regatta mystery and other stories by Agatha Christie
96. A certain justice by p.d. James
97. A holiday for murder by Agatha Christie
98. A thin dark line by Tami hoag
99. A gentle feuding by Johanna Lindsey Dumped
100. The alibi by Sandra brown
101. The witching hour by Anne rice
102. Faeries gone wild by anthology:, Lois greiman, Michele hauf, leandra Logan
103. First blood by anthology: Susan sizemore, Erin McCarthy, Chris Marie green, meljean brook
104. Unicorn mountain by Michael bishop
105. The importance of being Ernestine by Dorothy cannel
106. The jasmine trade by Denise Hamilton
107. The red tent by Anita diamant
108. Leotas garden by Francine rivers
109. The triumph of Katie Byrne by Barbara Taylor Bradford
110. Life of pi by yann martel
111. The house of a thousand lanterns by Victoria holt
112. The sad truth about happiness by Anne giardini
113. Murder for Christmas by anthology
114. Abundance by sena jeter naslund
115. All together dead by Charlaine Harris
116. The book thief by Markus zusak
117. Wicked 2: {legacy, spellbound} by Nancy holder, Debbie vigue Dumped
118. Sex, lies, and vampires by Katie Macalister Dumped
119. The huntress by Susan Carroll
120. The other side of the mirror by marion Zimmer Bradley
121. Santa baby by Jennifer crusie, Lori foster, Carly Phillips
122. Stray by Rachel Vincent
123. Dead after dark by anthology
124. From dead to worse by charlain Harris
125. Gravesite by charlaine Harris
126. Night sins by Tami hoag
127. Christ the lord out of Egypt by Anne rice
128. Fancy by Norah Hess
129. Mythology by Edith Hamilton
130. Tempted all night by Liz Carlyle
131. Seduce me in shadow by shayla black
132. My wicked vampire by Nina
133. The scarpetta factor by Patricia cornwell
134. Crimson by Jordan summers
135. The immortal hunter by Lindsay sands
136. The house of Caine by ken eulo
137. Magic man by Patricia rice
138. Moonlight cove by sherryl woods
139. Dark nights dark dreams by savannah russe
140. Charmed & dangerous by Candace haven
141. Warriors of camlann by n.m. Browne
142. The real story by Stephen r. Donaldson
143. Voice of the heart by Barbara Taylor Bradford
144. A feast for crows by George r.r. martin
145. Lair of bones by David farland
146. Assassin by Anna Myers
147. The third translation by matt bonddurant
148. Savages by Shirley conran
149. Another thing to fall by Laura Lippmann
150. Paperquake by Kathryn reiss
151. Smack by Melvin burgess
152. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
153. The tribe by bari wood
154. The end of the alphabet by cs Richardson Dumped
155. Circle of magic by tamora pierce
156. Murder in the place of Anubis by Lynda s. Robinson
157. Inkheart by Cornelia funke
158. Missing Abby by lee weatherly
159. Poirot investigates by Agatha Christie
160. Congo by Michael Crichton
161. The alchemist’s cat by robin Jarvis
162. Girl in hyacinth blue by Susan Vreeland
163. Robots and empire by Isaac Asimov
164. Seduced by crimson
165. The Dante club by Mathew pearl
166. Exiles by Melanie rawn
167. A civil contract
168. False colours
169. (lady of quality & charity girl) by georgette heyer
170. The mystery of the blue train
171. Murder after hours by Agatha Christie
172. The last wife of henry VIII by carol Erickson
173. The road by Cormac McCarthy
174. Shades of Simon gray by Joyce McDonald
175. Phoenix rising by pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
176. Foundation and empire by
177. Foundation and earth by Isaac Asimov

178. Dianetics by l. ron Hubbard Dumped
179. Mona Lisa overdrive by William Gibson
180. The star scroll by Melanie rawn   Dumped
181. Sugarplum dead by Carolyn hart
182. Through wolf’s eyes by Jane lindskold
183. Angry lead skies by glen cook
184. Distant waves by suzzane weyn
185. The time traveler’s wife by Audrey niffenegger
186. The red queen by Margaret drabble
187. High stakes by Erin McCarthy Dumped
188. The vampire Armand by Anne rice
189. The seventh tower by garth nix (the fall, castle, aenir)
190. Dead and gone by charlaine Harris
191. Seducing the succubus by cassie Ryan
192. Desperation by Stephen king
193. May the best man die by Deborah Donnelly
194. The winter oak by James a. hetley
195. The blooding by Patricia Windsor
196. Highland spirits by Amanda Scott
197. The snow queen by Joan d. vinge
198. Saint camber by Katherine Kurtz
199. The book of skaithckett by Leigh bracket
{The ginger star, the hound of skaith, the reavers of skaith}
200. Devious by Lisa Jackson
201. Lord of dance by Andrew m. Greeley
202. The moon flower by Phyllis a. Whitney
203. The hunt
204. The amulet
205. The dream by zoe Daniels
206. Allies of the night by Darren shan
207. Fire within by Chris d’ lacey
208. The quest for saint camber by Katherine Kurtz
209. The inside mind of Gideon rayburn by Sarah miller Dumped
210. The Bronte Sisters
{Charlotte: Villette, the Professor; Anne: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall}
211. Sins of the Flesh by caridad Pinero
212. Tigana by guy gavriel Kay
213. The dragon token by Melanie rawn Dumped
214. The mirror of her dreams by Stephen r. Donaldson
215. The hunch back of Notre dame by victor Hugo
216. Lord of rage by Jill Monroe Dumped
217. World without end by ken follet
218. Good omens by Neil gaiman and terry prachett
219. The good fairies of new York by martin Millar
220. The Parsifal mosaic by Robert Ludlum
221. The oath by frank peretti
222. The monk downstairs by Tim farrington
223. Eli by bill Myers
224. Wild by Lori foster
225. A forest lord by Michael Williams
226. Lion boy by zizou corder
227. Girl, interrupted by Susanna kaysen
228. Curse of the wolf girl by martin Millar
229. QB VII by Leon Uris
230. Darkest longings by Susan Lewis
231. Impulse by Barbara Harrison
232. The warrior by kinley Macgregor
233. The house of lost souls by F.G. Cottam
234. The kissing gate by Pamela Haines
235. The chronicles of amber volume 1 by roger zelazny
{Nine princes in amber, the guns of Avalon}
236. The fire within by Ann coombs
237. The priest of blood by Douglas clegg
238. A good woman by Danielle steel
239. War of the oaks by Emma bull
240. The scroll of seduction by gioconda belli
241. Graveminder by Mellissa marr
242. A spell for chameleon by piers Anthony
243. Candles burning by Tabitha king and Michael McDowell
244. The last Templar by Raymond khoury
245. Ghost hunter by Jayne castle
246. The path between the seas by David McCullough
247. Possession by Jennifer armintrout
248. All souls’ night by Jennifer armintrout

249. A break with charity by an rinaldi
250. Jackdaws by ken Follett
251. Prior bad acts by Tami hoag
252. The quincunx by Charles pallister
253. Trinity by Leon Uris
254. Alyson Whitestarr by isobelle carmody
255. Conan the raider by Leonard carpenter
256. The world of tiers volume 1 by Philip Jose farmer
{The maker of universes, the gates of creation}
257. The summer queen by Joan d. vinge
258. Bloodline by Kate cary
259. Orphans of the sky by Robert a. Heinlein
260. Indigara by tanith lee
261. The Canterbury tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
262. The complete adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan doyle
263. Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Crossi
264. Girl with the dragon tattoo by stieg Larsson Dumped
265. The twentieth wife by indu sundaresan
266. The robot novels by Isaac Asimov
{the caves of steel, the naked sun}
267. Secrets of the grave by Tami hoag
268. A cast-off coven by Juliet Blackwell
269. Now to face to face by karleen koen
270. The trouble with magic by Madelyn alt
271. The green hills of earth by Robert a. Heinlein
272. Until you by Judith mcnaught
273. The promise by chaim potok
274. Schrodinger’s cat by Robert Shea and robot Anton Wilson
{the universe next door, the trick top hat, the homing pigeons}
275. The illuminatus by Robert Shea and robet Anton Wilson
{ the eye in the pyramid, the golden apple, leviathan}
276. deadly little lies by Laurie faria stolarz
277. wicked{resurrection} by Nancy holder & Debbie viguie Dumped
278. ironside by holly black
279. the parliament of blood by Justin Richards
280. the seven dials mystery by Agatha Christie
281. the fiery cross by Diana gabaldon
282. misfortune by Wesley stace
283. heresy by s.j. parris
284. before I go to sleep by s.j. Watson
285. the lake by banana yoshimoto
286. dead reckoning by charlaine Harris
287. the book of lies by brad Meltzer
288. a breath of snow and ashes by Diana gabaldon
289. a game of thrones by
290. a clash of kings by George r.r. Martin
291. the fallen blade by jon Courtney grimwood
292. shadowland by peter straub
293. the stand by Stephen king
294. the Lincoln lawyer by Michael Connelly
295. servant of the bones by anne rice
296. the regulars by Richard bachman
297. the girl who loved tom Gordon by Stephen king
298. too rich for a bride by mona hodgson
299. anna Byzantium by tracy barrett
300. the thirteenth tale by diane setterfield
301. {east of eden , the wayward bus} by John Steinbeck
302. Palace circle by Rebecca dean
303. King Arthur and his knights by henry frith
304. Alls fair in love and war by Alicia fields
305. Comanche moon by larry mccurtyr
306. Sacajeawea by ann lee waldo Dumped
307. Legends II by anthology
308. Murder on the orient press by Agatha Christie
309. Soulmate by rosamond smith
310. The diamond age by neal Stephenson
311. Song of the sparrow by lisa ann sandell
312. Kill the messenger by tami hoag
313. The day of the locus by nathaneal west
314. The lies that bind by kate Carlisle
315. A day no pigs would die by Robert newton peck
316. Martin chuzzlewit by Charles dickens
317. Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress by dai sijie Dumped
318. The serpent in the garden by janet Gleeson
319. Emma brown by clare boylan
320. The Victoria vanishes by Christopher fowler
321. On agate hill by lee smith
322. Tuck by Stephen lawhead
323. the kommandant’s girl by pan jenoff
324. the masque of the black tulip by lauren willig
325. unholy awakening by Michael gregorgio
326. Oscar wilde and a game called murder by gyles brandreth
327. The observations by jane harris
328. The last nightingale by Anthony flacco
329. A foreign affair by caro peacock
330. The bishop must die by Michael jecks
331. The virgin of small plains by nancy pickard
332. The secret history of the pink carnation by lauren willig
333. The dark water by david pirie
334. A beautiful blue death by chalres finch
335. The deception of the emerald ring by lauren willig
336. An instance of the finder post by iain pears
337. The greatest knight by Elizabeth chadwick
338. False inspector dew by peter lovesey
339. Mr. parker pyne, detective bny Agatha Christie
340. A scandalous countess by jo Beverly
341. The girl who kicked the hornet’s nest by stieg Larsson Dumped
342. The sultan’s wife by jane Johnson
343. The secret of the old clock by Carolyn keene
344. A Connecticut yankee in king arthur’s court by mark twaine
345. The shoemakers wife by Adriana trigiani
346. The skull of truth by bruce coville
347. The emperor’s pearl by Robert van gulk
348. The scarlet thread by Francine rivers
349. Whiteout by ken follett
350. Dragon’s pawn by carol l. dennis
351.The Tower Treasure by franklin w. Dixon
352. The salt road by jane johnson
353. Buffalo girls by larry mcmurty
354. Aladdin and other Arabian Nights
355. Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin
356. With No One as Witness by Elizabeth George
357. PompeII by Robert Harris

358. Sword of Darkness by
359. Knight of Darkness by Kinley Macgregor
360. This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers Dumped
361. Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson Dumped
362. The Physick book of deliverance by katherine howe
363. No Safety in numbers by Dayna Lorentz
364. Roots by Alex Haley
365. Warlock by Wilbur Smith
366.The Trouble With Brides {The Bride Most Begrudingy,Courting Trouble,Deep In The Heart of Trouble}
367. The Difference Engine by William Gibson,Bruce Sterling
368. The Silver Wolf by Alice Borchardt
369. Empress by Shan Sa
370. Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles by Margaret George
371. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
372. People of the sea
373. People of the Earth
374. People of the river by W. Michael and Kathleen O’Neal Gear

375. The Needle in the blood by Sarah Bower
37. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards
379. Fools Die by Mario puzo
380. Gypsy Lady by Shirlee Busbee
381. Shanghai Girls by Lisa See
382. Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros
383. Savannah blues by mary kay Andrews
384. The late child by larry McMurty
385. Little Women and Werewolves by Louisa May Alcott,Porter Grand
386. The Wedding Officer by Anthony Capella
387. Switchcraft by Mary Castillo
388. Ghost Girl by Tonya Hurley gave it away
389. Jasmine Nights by Julia Gregson
390. One piece vol. 3 by Eiichiro Oda – Dumped
391. All things bright and beautiful by james herriot
392. Death of kings by Bernard cornwell
393. The time in between by maria duenas
394. Anatomy of murder by Imogen Robertson
395. The town by chuch Hogan
396. Let the drum speak by lina lay shuler
397. Murder she wrote by Donald Bain

398. The Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann
399.The Luxe by Anna Godberson