Weekly Reading 4/21-27


  • A Game of Thrones- AWESOME
  • Peter Pan & Peter in Kensington Garden { Peter Pan}- questioning if I really want to read the second book.

Updating the Queue

  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame- going to put this one down for a bit. I think A Game of Thrones wrecked my reading life this week.
  • David Coppefield- I am already laughing at the classic peoples crazyness.

My Rants/Feelings

  1. So the epic book slimming did not happen. At the beginning of the week a thought came to me. Would it be better to read books I do not like to dump them or read books I like to finish them. While, dnfing books is fun reading books I like is less depressing and reading slump inducing.
  2. A Game of Thrones wrecked my reading life. I came to the end of Peter Pan not liking it. I just generally was not into The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  3. My rest of April did not happen. My library books that I put on hold came  early. I checked out a lot because going to the library is not a everyday accurance for me. Also, checked out some books that are first in series that I have only the sequel or so on to. In result of getting so many books from the library a plan needed to be made to finish those books. My plan starts officially next week so I will put it in my next weekly reading update.
  4. Dismissing Slavery Books. I have realized a long time ago that I dismiss African American books because they seem to be about the same thing, slavery. If they are not about slavery they are about being in the ghetto  or about race. That is a rant itself about how authors write certain races in restricted terms. I need to not dismiss the African American books that are out there just because it has slavery involved.

Reading Week 4/14-20

Main Reads {I wish I had a picture that could express my adoration for these two books} 

  • A Game of Thrones
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Updating the Queue

  • A Scandalous Countess- I do not remember how I felt about this book. That probably means I need to go on and dump it. I’ll see how things go next week.
  •  The Personal History of Rachel Dupree- Meh right now. I am stuck between dumping this book and continuing. I just want something to make me care or really like it. I want action and adventure but am trying to enjoy it for what it is. I want it to be awesome because African-American historical fiction is rare especially ones that are not about slavery.
  • The Time In Between- seems like it is going somewhere but is meh right now.
  • Wither- DUMPED. After two chapters the writing is ehhh… Then the world building seems like it will be garbage. Mostly, it was let go because I was thinking up ways the story could be better. I cannot in good conscience continue with this. I just wish this book was not a total waste of makeup, a book that is so beautiful outside but is ugly on the inside.

g I liked that immediately  in the first ten or so pages the story got to the mystery. I was all happy thinking you can tell when a book is adult versus ya even though there is a young adult main character in both. Then, I came to the issues with adult literature. Adult literature tries to be all philosophical instead of telling a story. A direct effect is that  the author feels the need to input pages on pages of useless stuff. Why do I need to know about your mother having a disease when you are supposed to be setting up back story to the mystery? I honestly do not care at all about you and your mom. If you are going to not talk about anything pertaining to this mystery give the story back to the young girl.

  • Good Omens- Sort of interesting but not funny in the slightest. I keep rereading the first 30 or 40 pages for some reason. Hopefully, this time it will stick.


Wicked Nights

Should I continue this series? Yes

Why?  Potential even though it is only the prologue. Main character seems like she is a supernatural that I have never seen.

My Rants/Events of the Week

  1. I saw Django this week and it got me the thinking. Why is there not any cool hardcore characters? Even though this feels like asking for too much, where are the hardcore minority characters? Please make good hardcore characters or lead me to books that have hardcore characters.
  2. Bookhaul=16 books. I like getting new books but seeing how much books I get regularly stresses me out. I’m trying to read/drop half the books I own challenge, but it is hard. If  I did not have my parents taking me to the thrift store who sells books for really cheap, I would not have as many books. I was seriously fine not getting books. But they keep encouraging me to get more books.  I have bought 63 books this year so far, 63! Once I make a step forward I make a step back. I get rid of 6 books then buy 20. I am not reading/dnfing at the rate I am getting books. It is hurting me. Then, I am getting books almost every week. So every week, it seems, I have to look up the pictures, import them, then paste them. I am not getting 6 or fewer books a week. I am getting 15+ books which is becoming extremely unacceptable.
  3. Historical fiction is getting on my nerves. I think that I just need to read another Larry McMurty book. I am starting to compare every book to Lonesome Dove right now. I just want action, adventure, or none overdone main character in my historical fiction.Probably, need to give historical fiction a super big rest. I just feel that rest will not take away the underlining issues that bug me. Why are authors glazing interesting bits of stuff in the story? Historical fiction is boring me to tears and it is getting to the point that some books are going to see themselves dropped. Lonesome Dove, you do not know how much I miss you!

Next Week Plan

I will read The Hunchback of Notre Dame and A Game of Thrones definitely, probably will not finish them this week though. My main plan is to get rid of more books so I am thinking of doing a slim down for the last few days of April. I would truly like to dump 63-70 books, as unrealistic as that is. I need to come up with a cool name for my epic event of book will not finishery.

Reading Week 4/7-13

Main Reads

  • A Game of Thrones-  Past 50%, I made it.Some news about GoT is bothering me. I read that the show may mix book four and five into the next season. I have only read book 3 which is why it annoys me. I do not want to rush through the books just to be ahead of the show to not get spoiled. I do not even have book five which makes it even more annoying. Game of Thrones is awesome right now. I do not know if I mentioned it before but if you are reading or read the first book check out this readalong: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2011/03/a-read-of-ice-and-fire-a-game-of-thrones-part-1
  • Villette- The meh feelings are settling in. Jane Eyre is better so far. I may push this book back to read whenever.  It would not be a good to say happy birthday Charlotte Bronte, oh, by the way Villette was… okay. I just feel that I am on the path to getting annoyed with this book so it is better to come back later. Why does every Bronte sister feel like writing about a governess? After Jane Eyre it is not all that interesting unless something different is happening. Overall, I just feel very underwhelmed.Put to the side until further notice.
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame- Past 50%. I read an article that said Quasimodo might have been a real person during Victor Hugo’s time! Also, I found this painting of the coronation of Emperor Napoleon which took place in the Notre Dame Cathedral randomly for school: http://www.wga.hu/art/d/david_j/4/405david.jpg
  • Peter Pan ( audiobook) – I am thankful that I listened to the first chapter again. Peter Pan is worth the time and effort of going back. Oh my gosh,Tinkerbell is a potty mouth.

Updating Queue

  • The Complete Works of O.Henry[ The Poems]- I picked this book because it is poetry month. I started this book last year.It literally more than 1,600 pages. Of those 1,600+ pages I have read about 40 pages. So this book will take maybe a year or two to finish.
  • Kissed by an Angel- I felt nothing after 19%. I will let this book go.Dumped
  • eMy Sister’s Keeper-  The only thing I feel is the writing is really questionable. I used the previews system to see if I should keep reading this book. I just have some minor doubts of is it enough to judge a book on. The preview for this book was 20 pages. I am hard pressed to find anything,something that makes me want to continue in the 20 pages. I feel that it is very similar to the movie so what is the point in me reading it. Overall, I felt no reason to continue.Dumped
  • awThe Accidental Werewolf- BORING.There was such a struggle to get through the first chapter. I found myself asking why would the author start off her first chapter like this? Is this supposed to be funny? I am losing more faith in the entire (paranormal, fantasy, historical, etc.) romance genre. This chapter needed to be cut down a lot. I just find it a waste of time to continue. Dumped


  • She’s Got the Look

Should I continue this series? Yes

Why? The romance feels like it could grow instead of insta-love or sex=love. The main character is unconventional. It just overall has potential.


  1. Game of Thrones Fever is back even stronger because of Season 3 premier. I have to control myself to not just skip to book four.
  2. April is Poetry Month
  3. Letting Go Early/On the “hook” books. I have been reading previews to books that are maybe 20 or so pages. I am wondering is that enough to judge a book on, 20 pages. I just do not feel or want to have to wait 100 or so pages for something to get good. I cannot just say that I am going to get meaner and harsher on my books then never do it. I hold on to books that do not deserve to be kept on my shelf. I put these books on the “hook”. Thinking, I do not exactly like you book right now. But in the future I will find a perfect time to like you. (Yes, How I Met Your Mother reference) It just is not the truth I will not like most of you in the future.
  4. Another truth that needs to be faced in my quest to deal with my reading consumption is really, seriously letting go of some genres.   I have to stop completely buying young adult and romance books,seriously!
  5. I was doing an exposition into my reading and thinking up detailed ways to deal with my consumption. Then it hit me, keep it simple.

My Plan

Pre-Get less.
Post-Read more.

My Plan for Next Week: I will read my main reads for sure. Everyone of them is super awesome.

Reading Week 3/31-4/6


Tigana- eh, I hate it the more I think about it. It was pretty much a waste of time.

Updating the Queue

  • Villette-  Nice but Jane Eyre eclipses it so far.
  • White Heat- hate the main characters superior attitude. I can  deal with people of a foreign country not liking foreigners. I actually would love to read more books that show foreign persons view of America.  But wait how about first there being actually character investment . So I actually care what you have to say. That is not possible when the main character is not talking about how great her stepson is, she is going into rants about how stupid foreigners are. Authors you know that you can make a tough character who does not bite your head off every time you talk to them. I would rather read The Hunchback of Notre Dame which makes my head physically hurt. At least I care when the characters goes on rants. Dumped
  • The Snow Queen(Joan D. Vinge) – Probably a good thing I did not finish this book on Joan D. Vinge’s birthday because it looks like another stinker. I will be putting it down until later when I heal from Tigana.Then again, I may dump it now. I had a dream of someone talking about this book saying it was a snooze fest. First of all someone in a dream is telling me this book is bad. Second of all most books that I dream about I do not end up liking.
  • The Snow Queen Stories -(finished)  was  good but random like only a children’s classic can be. I am not adding it under finished. I own The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge but not Hans Christian Anderson’s tale.
  • A Game of Thrones-yes.absolutely awesome.
  • The Kitchen Witch-average chick lit fare so far.  I probably will dump this book soon.
  • Cold Mountain- I want it to be Lonesome Dove which it is not. I thought it would be different having a male man character so far it is not. I feel disjointed and barely interested in the story. Historical fiction is not complimenting me right now.
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame- liking how everything is going. I may not read this book everyday but read it at least once a week.


  1. Amazon acquiring goodreads. I am waiting to see what happens right now. If Amazon causes any problems to my goodreads I am just going to leave. I actually think that is an interesting idea in a weird way me going rogue. I think it would be sad because I do not have friends or family who read. I just think it would make me read more actually. I just want to see what happens.
  2. The aftermath of Tigana was not pretty. I was angry for a couple of days and starting all this new books did not help. Well, starting new books that are not good right away or have the slightest hint of past book failings really is the problem.
  3. Bronte Sisters random link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NKXNThJ610
  4. Random idea that I felt this week: Being poetic/lyrical and having a meaning does not make  a book good.
  5. Bookhaul-  I still bought some new books even though last weeks bookhaul happened. The sad thing is in the aftermath of Tigana, I dumped 6 books. Then I bought 6 books( for me) + 8 for my cousins= 14 books overall.  I will not show my cousins books because they are not going into my personal collection and all these bookhauls is making me lazy.  I got 20+ books last time that took so much time to look up books and synch to my different lists. I guess the real problem solver to this issue is to not get anymore books, easier said than done.
  6. I realized that I need to make greater plan to deal with the amount and rate of books I am acquiring.  I got rid of 6 books then bought six books. What is worse is when I get rid of 10 or so then buy 20.
  7. Library week is coming up soon. I need to read some more  sample books to prepare to possibly go to the library on library week. Then I can dump or read some books in these series that I am missing the first one to.

Plans for next Week: I am going to catch up on Villette. I (maybe) will get to 50% on Game of Thrones and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hopefully, will finish a book or dump some more books.

334: Tigana

(Disclaimer:You will see words such as random and pointless being used repeatidly. )

Summary (I will not be adding one because the summary gives away the only surprises to the story)

The Good  The story actually starts off confusing. The beginning was not a problem for me because, I heard about this from people who read it before. I was reading and the story was okay then something big happens.( I will not tell you because it is a major spoiler.)  My point is that there are moments that the book is going along being okay or boring honestly then just awesome epicness happens.The story just puts in a scene that is so vivid and interesting. It made me want to read more. So basically the only good point in this books is the random surprising epic moments.

The Bad/The Meh

Having random rare epic scenes in an almost 700 page book will not make for an overall interesting book though. So to make my rant be structured and readable as possible, I have employed bullets.

  • Romance. At one point the author even makes it seem like there is going to be a romance between two characters. Then at the last-minute he makes people randomly spout their love that was not alluded to in the slightest.
  • The Ending– This book made me actually change my mind about the endings to other books I read this year. I actually appreciate most of those endings now. The ending to this book was so shrug inducing that it is kind of like a meh.
  • Poeticness,dimensions, and just stuff about how amazingly deep this book is. I have been told before and after reading this book on how the characters are multidimensional and the story has dimensions on all this stuff. It does not matter how many dimensions there are if I do not care about most of if any of the characters. Trying to think of a character that I actually cared about while reading this, nope none. Wait, there was one who I sympathized with then the author turned that into mush too. It does not matter how poetic or lyrical a book is written if the content is blah. I spent most of the time being bored with the characters and waiting for them to make me care. Down to the core of everything I  just do not get it all around. I just did not see the dimensions to character or story. I just never felt any story or character investment.
  • Random completely pointless sex. All I can say is that it was a waste of paper and time.
  • Halfway Point- I got the most angry when I realized that after a few chapters from the ending the story has not gone anywhere plot wise. I had to force myself through  about 200 or so pages after that. You are probably wondering why didn’t I just stop reading it? Well, I was almost at the ending and the book had a secret weapon to keep me reading. Remember those random moments of epicness that I mentioned earlier. These moments promised that the story would get better but alas, not it did not.

Overall: I came out of this book wondering what was the point of all this. I have been mad for the past couple of days. I just need to do this review to lay may all anger to rest. Then I can rub my hands of it and move on. It would have gotten two stars but that is an insult to all my two stars. That and my negative reaction to this tells me I hated it.

Bookhaul 3/28/13 + 3/29/13

I was feeling very down in the dumps because of school stuff. I decided to get more books which really did not make me that much happier.

Authors Liked in Past

sl Streets of Laredo by Larry McMurtry- Sequel to Lonesome Dove which was insanely awesome.

texasville Texasville by Larry McMurtry – it turns out that this is a sequel in a series I do not have the first to.

viw need to get the book before it. Well at least I have the first book in the series.

asd I have been waiting to find this book for a long time.

rtc it is not an audiobook.

dc there is a movie to it. I cannot watch it because I scare easily when it comes to movies.


chrestomanci  The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Volume II {The Magicians of Caprona, Witch Week} by Diana Wynne Jones- the first volume was nice and very different.

lw got it to finish Little Women And Werewolves.

untitled – started reading it a while back but stopped reading it for many reasons

Historical Fiction

I have not been into historical fiction in a while. I hope that one of these can change that.





Give Away or Keep

Some of these are the books that I am debating giving away or keeping for my collection. Most of them I got to give to my cousin.

exExtras – I’m on the fence with this series. I was not particularly feeling it when I tried to read it last time.  So I will probably give it away.

flipFlip Flop- gave it away.

heidiHeidi- gave it away. I’ll just read it some other time when I find it.

1212 Again – gave it away.

vVampires Don’t Wear Polka Dots- gave it away.

prin gave it away.

m need to read a little bit then decide.

airheadAirhead- gave it away.

ABC Baby’s First Library- for my cousin.

Numbers Tab-Tots- for my cousin.


Ludlum_-_The_Bourne_Identity_Coverart 200px-Potshot imagesCAB71FV6  turns out that this has a show that has aired everywhere except where I can see it.

Chick lit

I just realized that I found these books when it is getting near Chick Lit month which is in May. I hope that I can at least enjoy one of them.

kw  pb aw sgl


sesameSesame Street – I hope that it will help me with my japanese learning. I have been lagging a bit of late.


