Bookhauls 10/18/13

I went to the library to pick up my library books that I reserved. I was supposed to get more but they were not at the library yet.
Manga/Graphic Novels
parasyte 4parasyte 5rc


I finally got these books after pining after them for so long.  On the subject of The Monk’s cover, it is pretty creepy and awesome.  I love that there are dragons and other creatures just flying around on the cover. On the subject of Genji it is pretty big at 1,000+ pages. I am supposed to not get anymore big books of this magnitude from the library.


Of course the library was having a sale so I have gotten more books.

I have been trying to diversify my reading. Since classics are something I really love, I wanted to find diversity not just in dealing with ethnicity but in the subjects that is being discussed. I found this book in my search for diverse books.
Clotel is about Thomas Jefferson’s daughter whose mother was a slave. The pretty awesome thing is that I found this book in the process of doing my America Through The Ages Theme. This book really fits in so many ways to those set of books.
I knew what this book was about before getting it, sex. That is the only thing that I still know about it. The funny thing is I did not realize until later that this book had a nipple on the cover. I seem to be getting book covers with nude people for some reason.

Trying to Collect All of…




Not going on books left to read list: I accidently rebought People of the Lakes. I bought Yookoso to help me in my quest to learn Japanese.


Shelf Checkout 10/17/13

Since I did not believe I was going to the library I wanted to do a mock book picking to prepare myself for university when I can only bring 10 books. I seemed to be picking up exclusively historical fiction books mostly set in America. I thought of the theme:

America Through The Ages

1270 A.D. – Starting off with Native Americans perspective with some fantasy mixed in


1700s- founding fathers perspective


1800s- I read even more scandal

Post-Civil War

1800s-then I will pick up on a book that I actually won on goodreads set during the Great Chicago Fire


1906-  big earthquake and a serial killer

1919- Big Secrets


1930s-  more murder  and mayhem set during the Jazz age

I don’t know what two other books to pick so I will leave the last two books blank and read randomly. I usually only read 7-8 books in a month anyway. I used to before I started going to the library heavily.

DUE= I will just see how long it takes me to finish the books. I am getting 8 new  books from the library also so I cannot set a exact date on when I want to finish these books. I can’t just not do my awesome theme after thinking it up. I can’t hold off until later because I will not be in the same mood to read these books. So I will probably be going back into updating the queue on the scale that I used to do it.

2014: My New Reading Plan

I know that this post is premature, we have 2 months left in this year. I needed to do this post so that you can understand my post after this. I will be going to University in 2014. I cannot take all of my 200 something books with me. So my plan is to pick ten books a month to read. Once I am finished reading all or at least 8( I guess) of those books I can get more.

  • It will force me to read certain books instead of putting them off.
  • 120 books in total if I read 10 a month. I read 7-8 books on a good week now so that maybe kind of a stretch. I may actually be able to do it because I will not have 50 or 60 books on my que. Plus I will not have 200 other book choices readily ready for me to read.
  • It will force me to dnf books instead of putting them on the hook.
  • My reading will be a lot more planned. So I can actually do all the heritage, genre, and book theme months on time.
  • More time to read by myself.


  • It will force me to read certain books.
  • Mood reading will kind of be extinct.
  • Big Books will probably not be picked as much.
  • Book a week reading may set in because I would want new books so I would rush to read through books.
  • What if I DNF half or more of the books I pick? What am I going to read then.
  • Less time to read depending on my schedule.
  • Books do not always end up giving what they promise. So I can plan to read a fantasy action book and it could turn out to be a philosophical sci-fi book that has no action at all.


327&321: Meh

I thought that I would merge these books into one post because I had not a lot to say about both of them and they both are meh reads.


The Meh/Bad

It was good and had some chuckle moments. But it was not the same as the other books in the series.  It felt like just a long string of events just happening. It was interesting enough to read to the end a gift that most books cannot give me. I feel that the author should have ended the series at the last book before this one.  The sad thing is the author had me and my brother who is into the series too, on soon as it comes out buy it level. If we continue the series we are going to have to get it from the library. But I honestly doubt we will even do that.  I just feel the series needs to end or get back to being awesome.

( I found this awesome image at: )

The Good  There are some parts that were interesting.

The Bad  I feel that for most of the book nothing really happened. The main reason can attributed to most of the book seeming to be composed of talking. Talking about what happened instead of showing. Another problem is that this story is so well know that there are barely any  surprises. I never felt that connection to the characters or story truthfully.

One of the major influences in me thinking this book was just okay was reading other classics specifically Dracula and Frankenstein before this one. Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are so heavily associated with each other that I compared them.  I found Dracula and Frankenstein to be the better of the three.

Random Comment: One thing I find funny is that media has made Hyde uglier and bigger than what he really was. In contrast, characters like Phantom of the Opera get more handsome as the years goes by.


Dracula by Bram Stoker

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Edgar Allen Poe

Library Checkout {4}

Continuing books by authors I’ve read before. I know that this is going to be vague but these books were awesome.

9780345496812_p0_v1_s260x420 + artwork, gore, story is goodaxeman

[Parasyte] I like were the series is going and the questions it is asking. I will say that it is funny that all these random girls keep popping up in the story.

One of the awesome things about actually liking books is being so into them that you finish them quickly.

a sicknessI have not read anything by the author before but I finished it so that is a achievement. This was pretty gory also in addition to having a good story. There are twists to the story which, is awesome to see. I will say that I was confused for a bit on certain happenings and things. Nonetheless, is a good graphic novel to read especially if you are looking for some mystery.

I did not get a chance to finish…

I need to finish The Odyssey novel first. I just took it back to the library.

Obligatory DNFers…


+ I can see its age, she is not a faux action girl

-I can see its age
lsh+ Sleepy Hollow

-All the other stories I read

I finished Sleepy Hollow and three of the nonfiction tales. I found those others  eh generally so I decided to just call it a day. I found Sleepy Hollow good. I do find it weird that people never mention that there are some racist bits in stories though. Then again who really mentions the flaws when they are trying to sell a book to someone. The racism was not beating people over the head with like some other books ( Gone with the Wind).  I actually find it interesting that there is actual inclusion of a African American character in a classic book at all. It was a poor portray still so there is no hand claps about it.  So to prepare you there is a few scenes that are racist toward African Americans.

I saw the show Sleepy Hollow on fox, thumbs up.

hounded-cover The mythology is different… that is the only plus to the book. I realized that I do not care for the characters or like how the mythological characters were being handled.

I am disappointed again. I have had this wish for a while to have gods come down and the main character has to fight them. Basically I want God of War in book form.

If the authors are really taking requests how about Bayonetta.

Library Bookhaul 10/3/13

I am spending more time reading books I don’t own.

I had this awesome plan of getting all these diverse books in different genres. I used about a week planning the books then spent maybe 30 minutes reading all the books I planned. DNF, every one of them. Then the books that I picked up while in the process of getting these books most of them were a DNF. So I was freaking out at this point not wanting to leave the library with books that I will not like. I have to pick at least a few books that do not fall apart in the first chapter! So I checked out 9 books, again. Don’t worry I already dnf half of them so it is like getting 4.


A weird thing happens to me frequently. I have a dream the day before going to a library or bookstore.  I had a dream before going to the library this week. In my dream I was looking for a classic book with complex characters. I woke up and thought it is time to get back into classics. I was trying to do something for Hispanic Heritage month by trying to get Don Quixote but …uh that failed. I do not know if it is the translation or what but I did not enjoy what I read so far. So it got left at the library.

I really wanted a Asian classic novel but none of them were at the library.

  It had me at  “… this is not a moral piece”. I do not expect myself to finish this book by the day these books are due. The best thing to do is not plan and just read it. If I like it I will read it naturally.

The Jungle Books

I am really into the idea of reading diverse and obscure classics. The classics that may not be talked about as much as Vanity Fair. I’m tempted to cut some more books from my shelf to get some. Unfortunately, I feel that I am cutting to the hilt at this point.

Light in the Forest

I have the movie now I need to read the book.

Manga/Graphic Novel



 Historical Fiction

September Update


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- eh


  1. Ramona- I was excited at first to see Native Americans and Hispanic characters in a classic novel. Then I found myself feeling like a shoe was going to drop. The book was good but not great. I keep trying to convince myself that is enough. The novel is a big part a romance, which was not constructed well. Then the main characters in the romance were bland. The thing that made me put the book down is just feeling the need to rush myself to finish it. I just really feel that it did not leave a big enough impact on me so far to miss. DNF
  2. Bleak House- I did not feel caught in the story.
  3. The Book of Negroes- starts off really good. I put it down because I am not supposed to be reading historical fiction.
  4. A Thousand Cuts- annoying teens.
  5. The Stand- I want action and fighting. I feel that this is a good book but it does not have a level of suspense that I want.
  6. She Who Remembers- ditto The Stand.
  7. The Odyssey- way easier to read than other people made it seem. I just have the same principle with it as the Song of Ice and Fire series, especially the third one. Don’t try to remember every character and their back story. Simply, just read.
  8. all my library books.

-Break from reading from  27th(ish) – Oct 3.  I can never truly take a break most of the time. I find it kind of funny how whenever I want to take a break it comes at a time that there seems to be nothing else to do. My Sims 3 is not working and so many other things going on with dramas causing me not to watch them.  I will want to take a break right when a doctor’s appointment or any other waiting time comes up. Reading soaks up so much down time. I finally took a true break and it actually game me clarity. I am going to post about it.


In order of my interest level.

  1. Attack of the Titan- I like that it deals with a controversial while telling an interesting story.
  2. Cage of Eden- I am liking the incorporation of different creatures and a good story.
  3. Mardock Scramble- It is interesting but I keep asking myself would I want to continue the series.
  4. Fairy Tale-  I feel too old for this manga. It reminds me of One Piece in many ways. I do think it is its own story though. It feels like Rave Master which the author also wrote.
  5. Until the Full Moon- It is nonsensical and eh. I feel too old for this manga too.

I did not read Sankarea, No. 6, and Ninja Girls. I was pumped until I realized none of these books are  apart of finished series.

Out growing genres: I have outgrown many genres that is the biggest thing plaguing my reading right now. I feel too old for so many things that authors are putting out. I have been reading since I was a kid so it feels like one of those inevitable things.  I’m going to outgrow some things. I feel like so many doors are closing in terms of what I can read now. But I feel that so many doors that I  did not explore are open for me. Manga is one of the doors that was there but I have not explored in a while. I forgot about manga because at the time I was already feeling that what was offered at the time was not for me.  Coming back to manga makes me know how much I missed it. What I want and need to be a happy reader is not in many of those genres.

The closed doors are the themes and genres that I have been complaining about a lot for a while like  the romance genre.

Open Doors: manga, horror, fantasy, mystery…

In my transition I am feeling a big shift to reading more books with diversity.

-One of the annoying things about shopping with nonreaders is feeling rushed at the library/bookstore. I don’t feel that I have time to explore uninterrupted. Then I get to hear little comments about how I over think or dump too many books. I should be finishing every book I read even if it is bad to know the ending. I find it funny that people who do not read that much or at all really can tell me how to read. I’m getting tired of the insinuating and the little comments.

  • Cover Flips really addresses the problems I had with how the cover flips were done.

I like Me Talk Pretty One Day lips cover better than the old one. Then again I like lips on book covers. I think that giving the impression that things that are considered feminine are inferior is wrong. In addition, gendering books is cutting off a big audience for a lot of books in my opinion.

  On one hand  these covers have absolutely nothing to do with the content but they look awesome. On the other hand covers need to represent their book to better catch readers beyond just this is for boys, this is for girls. I think this more of what the cover flip was trying to do.

 why isn’t there room for both? Oh yeah, when is the race cover flip coming?

  • Diversity is Key. I have been trying to be more diverse in my reading which is a kind of hard because I feel that there are so many books out there that sound really interesting that I do not have. African, Indonesian literature, etc.

Why have I not done this yet!? Then I have to go back to looking at my not that diverse personal library.

I randomly question if having a personal library is the right choice for me.

I want to be free  to pick up books. Then I think about how much work it is sometimes for people to let me get books. So I just sit and stare at my books wishing that they were diverse enough to excite me.  Then I have to think about if I want to go diverse a lot of those books are obscure so I may be spending more than I like to spend.

Hopefully I can get people not to be divas about taking me to the library or letting me take time to look for books.

  • Pierse Anthony books: In my looking up books that should be banned I came across this book. I was told that Pierse Anthony has gross offenses against how he portrays women and pedophilia. I was questioning if I should dump this book at first. I still have Lolita. What is the difference between these two book? I just feel that Lolita is not sexist so far and is going to be written better. I just do not want to waste my time reading something sexist or offensive. Then it seems to not be written well. Sum it up: sexist, pedophilia, not written well.  NO