Library Checkout {34} 6/26/15

Chapter/Middle Grade Books

It  has come to my attention that I have not tried chapter books for some reason (that is pretty valid seeing how things are going so far…).




I’m not sure if this will be good or not. I just know that it looks like it would make an interesting cartoon show. So I will try it.

My mom decided she wanted to read this after watching the book trailer. She is enjoying it so far. Of course I am going to try it.



As I am writing this I have only read two chapter books that were both surprisingly eh. They weren’t bad but still not good enough  to say I need to get more chapter books. So be prepared for my review on both of the books later.

Graphic Novels

A lot of these are going to be from authors I am into right now.


Since I read Behind The Scenes recently (the autobiography of Elizabeth Keckley, the seamstress for the Lincolns) I thought it would be fascinating to read about Abraham Lincolns Murder.

Black Hole has been on my started but not finished list for a while. It is time I finish it.


I have finally came back to catch up on Attack On Titan. I hope that I enjoy it now that I’m not in that overall emotional state.


This could go very well or wrong. On one hand there is a reason that I still remember why I let go of reading Archie comics. On the other hand he is one of the few black characters I’ve seen in the series. It is in his point of view which could be really interesting.


From what I read so far of Crisis On Infinite Earths it is good. I got the first issue for free on google play.


I started the Princeless  series, which was one of the best books I read  last year. The greatness of it is its representation of black girls and the story. I’ve only currently read issue #1 and #2 so I can finally finish the first series.

Picture Books


I read Children Make Terrible Pets a couple of months ago by Peter Brown. It was very good. This one look like it will have all the good elements that Children Make Terrible pets: cute and funny. That is what I generally look for in picture books.


Looks like it will hit all my wants in a picture book too.

Random Pick


It’s bad enough when Max, Rebecca, Noah, and Theo just think Grandpa Gabe’s house is haunted. But then the old movie projector in the library opens a passageway to a world of monsters and creatures made of shadows – a place of secrets and dangers set loose when the sun sets. The only weapons to fight them lie in the land on the other side of the Shadow Door…

Library Checkout Reviews {33}

I lost my notebook with all my bookish thoughts somewhere so most of my reviews are not going to be in depth as they could be.

Things I Did Not Finish


Both of these books were lyrical which put me off. I cannot figure out if I have lost my love for classics or it is just these books. I think it is my extremely low tolerance anything that feels like it will take more than five minutes to catch my interest. I want it all now or never. Yep, its probably these books. I will possibly come back to these later.


Did not even bother with this one because I already tried my hand at Lovecraft, nope.



Cute Girl Network  turned me off because the guy was in insta-like with the girl who seems like she is one of those not like other girls type of chicks. I got the feeling that was why he was into her. Color of Rage really never fully got my interest and some other things about it bugged me.


Akira just did not get my interest in the bit I read.

Things I Finished But Ugh

These are not necessarily bad but I had issues.


Awkward black girl

Spoilers (?) Warning


It is very easy to read which is a major part in me finishing it so quickly. There were many relatable moments (The hair chapter one was one of most relatable especially the reaction to wanting to cut off her hair).

I have to give Issa Rae credit for touching on how as a black kid you have to prove your blackness. If you don’t fit a certain mold of what is considered black you are acting outside of your race. She also gets into colorism and representation of black women in visual media.

I think that I am probably not giving her as much credit for what she did do because a lot of the book either rubbed me the wrong way, did not reach deep enough for me, or felt like a typical trying to fit in tale.


Since I have been getting memoirs/biographies lately I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a bit weird to rate them because it is like you are rating their life.

-The book is advertised to seem like it was going to be about being awkward and black and a woman. I did not feel her awkwardness like I did in the show.  Her life seemed like one of those coming of age movies (or I guess in this case book) with the girl trying to fit in/be popular. It did have the element of her dealing with how being black and a woman effects that but I kept feeling she did not go deep enough with everything.  There a lot of stories that were just her trying hard to fit in with no commentary behind them. They probably were meant to be funny, they just left me cold.

-She had some moments where she gets to close to new black.

-A lot of things rubbed me the wrong way. For example, there is a chapter she categorizes black people into stereotypes.

-She is privileged in many ways which I think informed many of her opinions.


Chicken Dance was okay. I’m not into Elvis and it was just ok.


So there was a bunch of not surprising stuff. One of the big things that is bothersome is the main character coming into  a new place being all I know everything and not being any amount of maybe I should figure out the lay of the land. Overall, this story is eh.


Ugh, cheesy insect jokes. This is no A Bugs Life now that had some good bug jokes ;).   I did not enjoy this. Also, I feel that how things went down was eh. I want to give it something for going somewhere a little different with the mystery but eh.

Things That Make Me Remember Why I Love Reading


The Mermaid and the Shoe

This book was awesome. The main character is so cute! This lends itself to a sequel which I will be anticipating.


If you liked Over The Garden Wall You May Like this. I do feel that they are similar but very different at the same time. Over The Garden Wall is better in my opinion though.


It brings up the many issues with the  criminal justice system and other important stuff (I do not want to get into because spoilers). I really enjoyed this book. It was the best book of this entire checkout for two main reasons: it was good and showed me still very much enjoying a book by an author I liked in the past. In the wreckage that was the last couple of years there were many authors that ceased to be my favorites.

TTT: Summer TBR



1. Bad Feminist

Since I finished Awkward Black Girl I wanted to read another essay collection. I think (hope) that it will get more in depth with things than Awkward Black Girl did.


2. A Chosen Exile: A History of Racial Passing in America


3. Slavery Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons

Over more than two centuries men, women, and children escaped from slavery to make the Southern wilderness their home. They hid in the mountains of Virginia and the low swamps of South Carolina; they stayed in the neighborhood or paddled their way to secluded places; they buried themselves underground or built comfortable settlements. Known as maroons, they lived on their own or set up communities in swamps or other areas where they were not likely to be discovered.

Although well-known, feared, celebrated or demonized at the time, the maroons whose stories are the subject of this book have been forgotten, overlooked by academic research that has focused on the Caribbean and Latin America. Who the American maroons were, what led them to choose this way of life over alternatives, what forms of marronage they created, what their individual and collective lives were like, how they organized themselves to survive, and how their particular story fits into the larger narrative of slave resistance are questions that this book seeks to answer. To survive, the American maroons reinvented themselves, defied slave society, enforced their own definition of freedom and dared create their own alternative to what the country had delineated as being black men and women’s proper place. Audacious, self-confident, autonomous, sometimes self-sufficient, always self-governing; their very existence was a repudiation of the basic tenets of slavery.


4. Classic Slave Narratives

I will probably only read The History of Mary Prince.


5.  Talk Sweetly to Me

I already started this a while ago but couldn’t complete it because everyone and their mama was checking it out from the library.


6. A Semi-Charming Life





Library Checkout {33} 6/11/15

Black Women

21412229 588937 787053

Showing different black women experiences are important. Awkward black girl is so relevant because so many people do not realize that black women (or black people in general) personalities and experiences are not monolithic. I liked the webseries so much because as a black woman I have never seen a show or book that showed what it is like to be awkward. I hope that I like this book so much.

The Bondwoman’s Narrative I’m going to take this as a nonfiction and fiction book. The nonfiction part is going to be how the novel got authenticated, why this novel is important against other black books of the time period, and etc. The actual story is going to be the fictional part. So this will be me foray into a nonfiction book. I would’ve gotten a nonfiction book but I could not think of what to get. Also, I already reached my three non-visual books limit.

the way we wore  I want to do a new theme for my blog so this is research for that. Also, I wanted to try out an art book.

Classic Sci-fi

The Invisible Man From what I have read so far it is okay. I like the cover for this one a lot ( Looking at the four images is like playing that game where you see if you can find all the differences between the pictures). It is different from the other cover that I have seen a lot with the suit and hat standing by themselves. One thing that has surprised me is that this novel is even shorter than what I thought it was.

Random: My public library does not carry the lesser known classics. This is not really major problem at the moment because I’m barely reading classics. I can definitely see this becoming a problem later on.

Picture Books


Chicken Dance I could not find the other book I was looking for so I just got this. I’m interested in mermaids so I got The Mermaid and the Shoe.

Graphic Novels

Here are the books that take up the majority of my checkout.

First, the renewals that I got for my brother.


The graphic novel I got for my brother because I’m not this far in the series.


Horror, Murder, Romance, and Hopefully Humor…


10 Little Insects  looks like a picture book but is not according to the little green insect hanging out the window on the side. Ugh, The Shadow out of Time is by H.P. Lovecraft.


Yes, I had to right a wrong I did in my last library checkout by getting Richard Geary.


Both of these are big which is something I did not realize.


I got The Cute Girl Network to break up all the  dark horror books I presumed I checked out.

So this is my random book of the haul…



Checked out 17 books, the same amount I did in my last library checkout. The way I was sounding in my last library reviews I was going to try all these different type of books. Yeah, that did not exactly happen. The Way We Wore is the most experimental book I got out of the whole bunch. I did get more graphic novels that go beyond superheroes which is good.

Library Checkout Reviews {31}-{32}

50%  Shoe Drop…

the point after reading half of the book that a shoe(s) drops. At this point all the things that I was either okay with or didn’t think about flood in. Things such as a fantasy novel not really having a lot of fantasy in it becomes a problem. This is a point in time that all the promises that were made about the book need to at least look like they are going to be filled. I experienced this with the two books I sampled before getting to avoid the this entire feeling, Fortune’s Pawn and Breadcrumbs.


Pros: The first half really had me. The main character is adopted child from a different country which is something I don’t think I have ever read in fiction. It deals with so many positive things: +girl-girl friendships +boy-girl friendship +being adopted +divorce +depression +not fitting in +people speaking over/demonizing you rather than listening to you (the adults in this book made me mad) +how imagination is supposed to lessen as you become older +sticks closer to Snow Queen story

Cons: The second half was so hard to get through. I feel like all the commentary the author set up on growing up and being an adult was thrown out the window.  I really felt Hazel, the main character, on so many things she was going through even though I’m in college (or is it especially because I’m in college). I feel that the messages felt off from the former half and overbearing. To see all the abuse, neglect, and how much she was ignored it bothered me that it tied the entire story off with a bow of grow up and stop imagining. Also, it is a problem that you spend the last 156 pages in the fantasy world or even dealing with the fantasy elements. I can see why people who specifically came for those elements had a problem that it took so long to get there.  Then when it finally got to the fantasy world she walks around for 100 or so pages philosophizing stuff that doesn’t fit the ideas present in the first part. I left the book feeling like that itch for a fairy tale retelling of The Snow Queen wasn’t filled.

I think a recent cartoon Over The Garden Wall handled things better.


Neither Here or There Exactly But Still Relevant: So I read this character as black for half of the book then found out she is not. I got kind of mad because I picked this book for the presumed black  main character. I kept going because the story was really good. Rachel Bach sees Gina Carano as who she would cast to play Devi in a movie so shes not black. I feel like it means more for her to be a black woman.  It does change things because things I praised this story for in my head are not praise worthy now because she isn’t a black woman. For example, Devi being sexually active and aggressive is not seen as a negative thing. For black women who are already sexualized heavily and seen as aggressive this really means something big.

This entire situation makes me wish a bit that authors said outright this character is black. I know that it is sci-fi so I will have to deal with the idea that we are in the future we are past racism, sexism, and etc so in the characters world these terms are outdated.


It felt like at the point I reached more should’ve happened. We should not be still be at the same point  with all the things going on with less than 100 pages left. The romance in the story is dead. I like romance but you need to build/make me feel the romance.


Easier to read and comprehend than super complicated sci-fi I’ve read in the past.

I only had less than 100 pages left so I was going to finish this but my mom talked to me. She said why don’t you not finish it? I feel once I let this go it helped me a lot.   DNF


I was not engaged by this.




Narrative actually recognized all the problems I had with the main character, Ikea idea, set in ikea.


The representation of the people of color is off. I found it questionable that the main character went on this long rant about the only poc characters then a white character is introduced to be a retail saint. I was able tolerate these things since  the story actually recognizes the main characters opinions are questionable. The issue is that the story and horror was not all that from what I read.  DNF

It feels like people are more amazed at the presentation and idea of this book than the actual story. All I have heard about this novel is that it looks like an Ikea catalogue.  Night Film is anther novel that I fee is more about the presentation than the actual story. In both novels I found myself unimpressed with the horror and story.

Books I DNF after reading a bit of it


I was not engaged by either of these. Dream-Quest seemed like it was being lyrical, it’s a graphic novel adaptation of one of Lovecraft stories so it is going to be like that but it didn’t get me. I am having a hard time with classic novels now (well, novels in general). Forever Evil just did not get me.


I don’t like this incarnation of Harley Quinn.


~Stray Bullets: Open The God Damn Box

>:[ Ugh,  how this story treats rape. I did not like this.

~The Old Silo

(At this point I started  regretting getting this collection instead of one of Rick Geary graphic novels by himself)

This one was better than the first story.

And finally I had to let go of this book because the stories I read as you see were not all that hot. I just couldn’t force myself to read through every authors stories. I found Rick Geary the person I got this book for and promptly DNFed it.

~Blood On My Hands

Even though, the story and its twist is something I have read before it still worked. Rick Geary has a distinct way he draws and writes his stories.  I would give this story three stars he has written  more unique stories. I will say that this is the best story I read in the collection which is kind of not saying much because I only read 3 out of the entire collection. This truly helps me remember why I don’t like anthologies, short stories, or any collection with more than one author.




I don’t think The Last of Us is bad but I just was not into it. Ditto, Harlequin and Rat Queens. DNF


I finally decided to let go of the Chew series. Something about the series makes me take forever to read each book like it is a chore.

Good After Reading A Bit


I enjoyed the point that the graphic novel went beyond the part about cats. The cat parts were not bad but did not get me as much as the non-cat parts. It is a good graphic novel to read if you want something other than genre fiction. My brother said it is very tumbler. That is not the vibe I got but I could see it.


Pros  when it introduced the woman character things got more interesting

Cons –physics parts were confusing, jumps around, the beginning was eh because the main character is a basic dude and the writing and just introduction was not that enthralling

I would only continue this series going the library route.


I cannot blame the comic so much as myself because I read volume 2 almost a year ago. I was murky on what was happening in the story. Also, I started the show so that caused a bit of confusion. Once I read a bit I could understand what was going on and was excited about it. These two are probably the best of this library checkout.

Pros the story addressed the idea that we as a society are not living unless we are surviving like they are doing on the walking dead. It is a very idolized idea. I actually ranted a bit on this topic a couple a while back, I think. I like that The Walking Dead deals with a lot of issues while at the same time having action. So many stories want to be lyrical but do not know how to keep on with the story.

Cons I’m bugged by the portrayal of the women characters. A lot of weird happens in these two volumes that I don’t know if I like them.


This story is creative and sends a message without beating children over the head with its message. It is also cute.


I feel at this point I need to not read novels for a long time. They are killing my reading. I was all happy when I got these books then I read Breadcrumbs and Fortune’s Pawn. Both started off so strong then reached something at the 50% mark. Pushing myself to read something I don’t like is of course going to have an effect on me especially when they started off so promising. These two books were not books that started off bad and I had to wait for them to be good. No, they started off good so I was lulled into a false sense of security. What is worse a book that lets you know it is bad from the beginning or a book that tells you later on? For me it is a book that  makes you believe that it will fulfill its promises. So when it falls at 50% it is like just finish it because it is only usually less than 150 pages or so left in the book. Then I have to suffer through however many pages that I don’t care about just to finish it. I’m not worried about giving up on novels just for the simple fact that it feels like a natural progression looking at how long this thing has been going on for a while.

I think I will explore some more sci-fi just to put everything to rest. I’m caught between keep trying or letting it go. On one hand I feel that I have not read enough in the sci-fi genre. While on the other hand I feel I should not have to try at all or so hard. Finding good books should not be a struggle.

On a semi-bright side at least sci-fi and middle grade books can  get my attention for 1/2 the book.


I. Exploration

In light of the recent discussion about libraries on booktube a need in me was felt to get back to picking up a bunch of books. I want to pick up these bunch of books to get back into what I feel the library is meant for to explore. I think that I have gotten so trigger shy with not liking books it is stopping me from experimenting.

A. Accepting the DNFs

  I have to accept that I do not finish a large amount of books. I need to accept my tastes and stop demonizing or thinking something is wrong with me after going through dnfs. I kept going with so many books in this book haul who I did not like because it was good in the first half or was not particularly bad. I need to hit the DNF at whatever point the story loses me if that means 50%, 19%, the first chapter, or the first page. The honest truth is going on with a book I don’t like is killing my reading possibly more than just encountering a book I don’t like. After reading Breadcrumbs, Fortune’s Pawn, and some other books I felt a reading slump cloud coming over me.  Once I decided to not continue them a weight was lifted.

TTT: Anticipating For the Rest of 2015

I am interested in the new direction they are taking Archie.This list is in no particular order.


1. A Semi-charming Life

This is the first and only series I’ve ever preordered. It is worth it each time. The only worry I have is this is about Darling who I’m ummm about.


2. Shadowshaper

Sierra Santiago was looking forward to a fun summer of making art, hanging out with her friends, and skating around Brooklyn. But then a weird zombie guy crashes the first party of the season. Sierra’s near-comatose abuelo begins to say “No importa” over and over. And when the graffiti murals in Bed-Stuy start to weep…. Well, something stranger than the usual New York mayhem is going on.

Sierra soon discovers a supernatural order called the Shadowshapers, who connect with spirits via paintings, music, and stories. Her grandfather once shared the order’s secrets with an anthropologist, Dr. Jonathan Wick, who turned the Caribbean magic to his own foul ends. Now Wick wants to become the ultimate Shadowshaper by killing all the others, one by one. With the help of her friends and the hot graffiti artist Robbie, Sierra must dodge Wick’s supernatural creations, harness her own Shadowshaping abilities, and save her family’s past, present, and future

I’ve been waiting on this since last year. I probably should read one of his other books then come back when its been out for a while.


3. The Dinosaur Lords

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden-and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac-and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.


4. The Day the Crayons came Home

This one is about rescuing lost crayons. It sounds so cute.


5. The Sorcerer of the Crown

The Royal Society of Unnatural Philosophers, one of the most respected organizations throughout all of England, has long been tasked with maintaining magic within His Majesty’s lands. But lately, the once proper institute has fallen into disgrace, naming an altogether unsuitable gentleman—a freed slave who doesn’t even have a familiar—as their Sorcerer Royal, and allowing England’s once profuse stores of magic to slowly bleed dry. At least they haven’t stooped so low as to allow women to practice what is obviously a man’s profession…

At his wit’s end, Zacharias Wythe, Sorcerer Royal of the Unnatural Philosophers and eminently proficient magician, ventures to the border of Fairyland to discover why England’s magical stocks are drying up. But when his adventure brings him in contact with a most unusual comrade, a woman with immense power and an unfathomable gift, he sets on a path which will alter the nature of sorcery in all of Britain—and the world at large…


6. Hoodoo

Set amidst the red soil and sweltering heat of small town Alabama in the 1930s, HOODOO tells the story of twelve-year-old Hoodoo Hatcher, who is born into a family with a rich tradition of practicing folk magic, or Hoodoo, as most people call it.

They use foot-track powder that can go up through your foot to make you sick, a black hen’s egg for getting rid of evil spirits, nutmeg seeds for good luck at gambling and all kinds of other things.
But even though his name is Hoodoo, he can’t seem to cast a simple spell.

When a mysterious man called the Stranger shows up in town—all wrapped in black like some kind of holy roller preacher—Hoodoo starts having dreams of a dead man rising from the grave. Even worse, he soon learns the Stranger is looking for a boy. Not just any boy. A boy named Hoodoo.

Can he summon the magic to save his town and family?


7. A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms

Taking place nearly a century before the events of A Game of Thrones, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R. R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A Song of Ice and Fire. These never-before-collected adventures recount an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living consciousness.

Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne, there was Dunk and Egg. A young, naïve but ultimately courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals—in stature if not experience. Tagging along is his diminutive squire, a boy called Egg—whose true name (hidden from all he and Dunk encounter) is Aegon Targaryen. Though more improbable heroes may not be found in all of Westeros, great destinies lay ahead for these two . . . as do powerful foes, royal intrigue, and outrageous exploits.

Featuring more than 160 all-new illustrations by Gary Gianni, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a must-have collection that proves chivalry isn’t dead—yet.

Waiting to get the compiled stories instead of trying to track each story down.


8. Soundless

From Richelle Mead, the #1 internationally bestselling author of Vampire Academy and Bloodlines, comes a breathtaking new fantasy steeped in Chinese folklore.

For as long as Fei can remember, there has been no sound in her village, where rocky terrain and frequent avalanches prevent residents from self-sustaining. Fei and her people are at the mercy of a zipline that carries food up the treacherous cliffs from Beiguo, a mysterious faraway kingdom.

When villagers begin to lose their sight, deliveries from the zipline shrink and many go hungry. Fei’s home, the people she loves, and her entire existence is plunged into crisis, under threat of darkness and starvation.

But soon Fei is awoken in the night by a searing noise, and sound becomes her weapon.

Richelle Mead takes readers on a triumphant journey from the peak of Fei’s jagged mountain village to the valley of Beiugo, where a startling truth and an unlikely romance will change her life forever…

This might be one of my I like the cover and this sounds good but I really shouldn’t even try things.

9. Ever After High: A School Story Book 4

They have not released the cover or what the story is about. I’m sure that what it is about is out on the internet somewhere and everyone else knows except me. I’ll just list who I hope it is.

  • Cedar Wood (very unlikely to happen for many reasons one of those being she had a point of view in the Shannon Hale series. It is going to be more than likely a new character that has not been introduced on the show yet.)
  • All the short stories collected ( I think they only collected the short stories in Once Upon a Time because the series was ending so this is not likely either. I don’t think the series is ending anytime soon.)
  • Rosebella Beauty (The main character has to be someone who has a debut doll coming out soon so this is the most likely of the three)

It could be Bunny (eh), Faybelle (I am only okay with this is if they make her an dimensional outright evil person), or a random doll. I’m cool with random as long as she is awesome.

I hope my excitement is not dashed when the story finally comes out.

10. Archie #1

I am interested in the new direction they are taking Archie. The Archie comics were the first books I really was into so this will be interesting.

DNF: The Martian


Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he’s sure he’ll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him & forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded & completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive—& even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won’t have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment or plain-old “human error” are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn’t ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills—& a relentless, dogged refusal to quit—he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

The Good

The new additions that broke up the narratives  flow was an interesting one. I don’t want to give away the story so this is vague.

The Bad

  • This feels like a chemistry book

The biggest problems I struggled with so much that I stopped reading the book for months on is how much the story feels like a chemistry book. Much of it is given a and c how do you find b. Oh, wait I did it but it caused all these other complications. I think reading a couple of sci-fi books recently that I’m more of a soft sci-fi person. I like seeing the sciency stuff but get bored with finding out how the sciency stuff works.

  • The main characters (Mark Watney) personality

At first I found his personality a good thing but over time he started to get on my nerves. It felt like his personality was trying too hard to be something. He became obnoxious.

Why the DNF happened?

Ultimately, I decided to let this book go because the story went back into Mark Watney trying to problem solve something. At page 158 with 212 pages left I could not do it. I thought about what I liked about this book and came up very empty.

Comics Haul 5/23/15

Since I seem to be getting more into comics than novels I think focusing on them is a good idea. So you will see more posts about comics/graphic novels than novels. I have a lot to say about how disappointing novels are but I will not do that here. I will get into a big rant in my library checkout review {32}. Now on to positive things, comics.

Since the travesty that was the Jem trailer I decided to check out the Jem comics.


I couldn’t find #2 so I only have issues 1 and 3. My mom who has already read the first issue said it was okay. I read it and thought it was a solid three stars.

Jem Issue #1 Review

+I like that it is colorful and has realistic characters, it was modernized well

It was refreshing to read this after going through some awful comics. The only thing I worry about is some of the changes in modernizing it. I can’t judge these changes until I read the #2.


Based on just the cover I bought Effigy #3 on free comic book day. Now, I finally bought #2 and #1. I just hope this series is good.



I heard about Weird Love from

(watch it she describes what the comics are about so well).  I’m happy she did this video because I don’t feel like I would’ve heard about it anywhere else. I haven’t talked about it before because I was too busy being stuck on novels but I like romance comics. Well, I like the idea and sometimes the execution of public domain romance comics. I think it is such a beautiful idea to hone in on romance comics period because it is such a not used genre (okay yes shojo exists and has been killing it for years that fact cannot be denied. Nonetheless, the American romance comics is underrepresented).

After actually reading some of the book:  So far  it is just one of the public domain comics that I have read that you would never hear about on my blog because I forgot about it as soon as I was done reading it. I was advertised exceptional, crazy, and weird which I did not get so far. I hope that it has better stories in it to redeem itself.

Yes, I know I picked up this comic but I’m side eyeing the outfit and the overall vibe.

I got this for George R.R. Martin and it was cheap. I hope it is a good story because I read a small bit of a comic by him recently and :(.