Wish of the Wicked Glossary & Readalong: Part II: The Present: Chapters 9-31 (spoilers)

A Wish for the Wicked Wishalong

I: The Past~ Chapters 1-8

II. The Present: Chapters 9-31

🪄Chapters 9 (orphanage)

🪄Chapters 10-20 (couterie place)

🪄Chapters 21-31 (in the palace)

I. Place


Blenheim- third queendom

Thirteenth queendom- unknown, will not denounce magic

Cusata River-raging river

Couteries live in a manse – concentric dining room place setting (like liver pool city hall)

Enchanted forest- where Entente lived

Fallens Wing = where they imprison the Fallen, ten cells with Black Glass doors

I. Characters


Gerard -guard of prince Mather

Thornton-guard of Mather

Court of genteman-Mathers only friend

Hark- queens right hand since 6 years old, Mather best friend

Sadie- queens lady in waiting

South-guard, assumed to be a fallen by queen, used to live with entente


Farrow-main character, couterie to Mather
Tork- couterie to Queen Papillion, Third Queendom Blenheim


Jacoby- Torks twin
Holocene- former maid turned shadow to Farrow

Lavendra- former couterie then shadow to Farrow, currently making her own destiny outside couterie

Madame viola- woman over orphanage Farrow ends up in

Madame linea – woman over Couteries and shadows

The Witch finder- used by monarchy to find magic users

I. Events

the burning – entente battle with crown at end of part I

the becoming- couteries and royals seal their bond, feels like wedding night ceremony

the challenge- shadows challenge couterie for their spot with monarchies

I. Terms

Black Gemstones

Wands- used to channel entente magic?

The Ana or Ana- leatherbound book that has everything about palace and chosen royal

Gray glass – hectate see future helped linea

Couterie- companion and lover to a royal

Shadow- replacement if couterie gets sick, dies, or reneges on duty

Fallen-men touched by entente magic during the Burning

I. Info

Shadows undergo surgery to match their couterie

Queen Magrit taking down other queendoms

Queem Magrit wears black glass as outfit

Prince Mather wants to reform kingdom

Some think Mather caused his mother’s insanity because her struggle to produce a female heir then ending up with him

Farrow spent 5 years in orphanage and 5+ year being a couterie

I. Commentary

Event: The challenge

First (love ❤️): It was smart to not make it a choice of love or crown, it shouldn’t be. I can understand either point of view.

Crown is over a bunch of people thus should belong/represent people like a president. The crown choices like who they marry have an effect over an entire kingdom. Is it smart to marry for love looking at how queens & kings have been manipulated by it?

Second (influence 👑): I like neither one of their answers because it sides with the crown which makes sense if you are speaking with intent of working for the crown. It makes me think that Farrows revenge makes her selfish the opposite of what Entente are supposed to be. I do think Lavendras is clever tho.

Third (devotion🍎): Of course, Farrow choice made the most sense.

It is interesting we get to see Queen Magrit and Mathers reactions. Notice the queen is letting Mather have the deciding vote to test him alongside the shadow and couterie.

Love and Care that Queen Magrit is showing to Mather is surprising since usually queens be trying take out their sons & trying to live forever.

I get the sense that the queendom is more for the monarchy than people.

Is there nuance to the queen Margrit because she is up against queendoms that are not for a man being over a thrown or even the main throne (as queen Magrit is taking over thrones to make it so)?

I liked The Challenges they felt very fairy tale-esque.

Michel François Golden Cage

Two cages were found in queen Magrit room:

Cage #1 – empty fancy decorated

Cage #2 -Iolanta aka the Present of Les Soeurs was tortured to find more entente

Present power is hard to quantify because it seems like it overlaps with being able to tell the future.

I like the future talk/present talk from Iolanta it gives foreshadowing.

Isolanta says love is what saves Farrow and Hinter.

Farrow was given a choice by Iolanta – a fork in the road:

A. Stay in palace/Revenge= never find Entente

B. Leave the palace/let go revenge= find Entente

She chose B.

I. Commentary & Questions

Themes in story: monarchy, freedom, choice, fate

🪄Similarities of Couteries & Entente: The story is aware that couteries and entente are all in service to someone else.

Entente = for betterment of kingdom, all subjects and maybe the world

Couteire = service to the crown.

The children born/chosen to be in either couterie or entente do not get a choice (neither does queendom).

🪄I feel a way about Entente continuing the horrible aspects of the kingdom =example: helping throne pick couteries and shadows

♚If the crown/kingdom is selfish what then? Is monarchy and someone being over everyone bad?

♚Part I is about the dynamics and setup of Entente while Part II is about the kingdom. This is a commentary on kingdoms, how so many aspects of it is just seen as normal like.

🪄Is Lavendra and Tork more than they appear?

🪄Is there a meaning behind Farrow losing her shadow? Being only one with a shadow? Are we going to see Lavendra again?

🪄Those turned by entente magic during the burning-I want to see more of them.
🪄Farrow will kill Mather along with the queen?
♚Queen Margit burning innocent human girls-parallels to Salem witch trials which was under a patriarchy

♚Queen Magrit couterie disappeared because they knew too much
🪄Fate & hectate -she knew this would happen & story still manages keep mystery

🪄Did the entente who are in hiding escape to the thirteenth kingdom?

♚What is Harkers motivation? To kill the queen?

🪄Hectate- what type of being is she?

🪄Is the father in woods daughter, Ella, Cinderella? Or an allusion/illuding to Cinderella?

🪄♚ Does black glass work against magic?

🪄Does Tork like Lavendra? Yes.
🪄Who turn coated the entente? Other magic users, older entente?

I. Predictions

🪄Bari is probably in thirteenth queendom or the Rooks amassing a following to take revenge for the Burning. They have mentioned both (Rook and thirteenth kingdom) too many times for the characters to not visit in the future. I am excited in general to explore outside of Hinter.

On Creating a glossary- This part covered chapters 9-31, a lot happened. The biggest challenge was organizing everything. If part III is as long as part II there will be a breakdown by chapters or events or something.

Current Recommendations 🪄The Ring & The Crown by Melissa De La Cruz 🪄The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna 🪄Damsel (movie)


Manse image from wikipedia

Black Gemstones from dreamtimes

Michel François – Golden Cage

Author: themollyweather

I like to read, a lot.

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